Industrial Revolution

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • The Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny
    The Spinning Jenny
    MADE: 1754 CE
    INVENTOR: James Hargreaves
    WHAT IT IS: It is a weaving machine
    HOW DID IT HELP: It allowed the users to weave more.
  • EVENT- The factory system

    The factory system was introduced around 1758 CE
    WHAT WAS IT: It is the large-scale creation of manufactured items employing machinery in factories.
  • EVENT- The Usage Of New Energy Sources

    WHEN DID IT HAPPEN: The exact date of this date is unknown, but many speculate that it started a while after the industrial revolution began.
    HOW IT AFFECTED: The new energy sources were fuels and motive power, such as coal. These new energy sources we widely used, and are still used to this day.
  • The Gas Turbine

    The Gas Turbine
    MADE:1791 CE
    INVENTOR: John Barber
    WHAT IS IT: It is a Rotary engine
    HOW DID IT HELP: It was used in trains and boats, to make them more efficient.
  • EVENT- River Transportation

    WHAT DID IT DO: Instead of building bridges or riding horseback to deliver goods to other parts of cities, people used motorized boats to carry goods across rivers.
    WHEN DID IT OCCUR: 1807 CE (around the time when the first motor boat was invented)
    WHAT ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN: The invention of the motorized boat
  • EVENT-The Cumberland Road

    MADE:1811 CE
    WHAT IS IT: It Is The First National Highway connecting Maryland to St.louis, Missouri.
    HOW DID IT HELP: It promoted westward expansion and paved the way for a series of similar highways to be built.
  • The Safety Lamp

    The Safety Lamp
    MADE:1815 CE
    INVENTOR: Humphry Davy
    WHAT WAS IT: It is a modified lamp that could be easily held, and protected the flame(using glass ).
    HOW DID IT HELP: Since the flame in the lamp couldn't be extinguished by the wind(due to the glass covering flame), it was used by miners in mineshafts, lowering the risk of the job( inert popularising the mining industry).
  • The Electromagnet

    The Electromagnet
    MADE:1825 CE
    INVENTOR: William Sturgeon
    WHAT IS IT: A soft metal core that has electric current through a coil that wraps around it
    HOW DID IT HELP: The electromagnet will go on to be a key factor in many future inventions such as laptops, TVs,ceiling fans,e.t.c
  • The Revolver

    The Revolver
    MADE:1835 CE
    INVENTOR: Samuel Colt
    WHAT IS IT: It is a gun/firearm
    HOW DID IT HELP: It was used as a quick-to-access firearm that people used in battles.
  • The Corn Planter

    The Corn Planter
    MADE:1834 CE
    INVENTOR: Henry Blair
    WHAT IS IT: It is a machine that plants seeds into the soil for growth.
    HOW IT HELPED: It allowed many farmers to plant crops more efficiently.
  • The Pedal Bicycle

    The Pedal Bicycle
    MADE:1839 CE
    INVENTOR: Kirkpatrick MacMillian
    WHAT IS IT: It is a manual vehicle that consists of two pedals and wheels, that requires the user to pedal for the vehicle to move
    HOW DOES IT HELP: This allowed cheaper, more accessible transport between places.
  • Dishwasher

    MADE:1850 CE
    INVENTOR:Joel Houghton
    WHAT DID IT DO: It washed dishes
    HOW DID IT HELP: It helped women wash dishes faster, giving them some more time to engage in other activities.
  • Machine Gun

    Machine Gun
    MADE:1862 CE
    INVENTOR: Richard Gattling
    WHAT IS IT: A rapid-fire firearm.
    HOW DID IT HELP: It was a more efficient firearm to use against multiple enemies, and was found very useful in wars at the time.
  • Telephone

    MADE: 1876 CE
    INVENTOR: Alexander Graham Bell
    WHAT IS IT: It is a device that allows individuals to communicate from large distances.
    HOW DID IT HELP: The telephone made it easier to deliver urgent messages to people quicker.
  • EVENT- Brooklyn Bridge Construction finished

    OPEN DATE: 5/14/1883
    HOW DOES IT HELP: It allowed Americans living in new york to get to other parts of New York easier, and it remains standing today.
    WHAT IS IT: It is a bridge