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Industrial Revolution

  • John Kay's invention

    John Kay's invention
    John Kay had invented the flying shuttle which had enabled weavers to weave wider fabrics.
  • James Hargreaves' Invention

    James Hargreaves' Invention
    James Hargreaves had invented the Spinning Jenny which made it able to make more threads of yarn faster.
  • James Watt's Invention

    James Watt's Invention
    James Watt had invented the Steam Engine which helped to try to make stuff move faster.
  • Richard Arkwright's Invention

    Richard Arkwright had invented the Water Frame which had made it much more faster ton create things by powering them with water.
  • Samuel Compton's Invention

    Samuel Compton's Invention
    Samuel Compton had invented the Spinning Mule which it was kinda like the Spinning Jenny and the Water Wheel
  • Richard Trevithick's Invention

    Richard Trevithick's Invention
    Richard Trevithick had invented a Steam Locomotive which needed the Steam Engine that helped make traveling much easier and faster.It had something more like a car.
  • Robert Fulton's Invention

    Robert Fulton's Invention
    Robert Fulton had created the Steamboat which used the Steam Engine to make traveling in water much more quicker.
  • George Stephenson's Invention

    George Stephenson had created the Steam Locomotive which had used James Watt's Steam Engine to make Traveling much more faster.It had been more of a train.
  • Henry Bessemer's Invention

    Henry Bessemer's Invention
    Henry Bessemer had invented Steel which had helped with buildings, railroads, and more.
  • Louis Pasteur's Invention

    Louis Pasteur had invented the Pasteurization which had made it so wine and beer wouldn't sour so easily.
  • Thomas Edison's Invention

    Thomas Edison's Invention
    Thomas Edison had invented the Light Bulb which had helped out with lighting up houses instead of people using lamps and such.
  • Nikola Tesla's Invention

    Nikola Tesla's Invention
    Nikola Tesla had invented the Tesla Coil which produced high-voltage at a low current.