
industrial revolution

  • Flying shuttle by John Kay

    Flying shuttle by John Kay
    A shuttle mounted on wheels in a track that used paddles to shoot the shuttle from side to side when a cord was jerked by the weaver. An advantage would be that it increased weaving speed and a disadvantage would be that warp threads couldn't be changed easily. There are still some flying shuttles being used today, but most people use modern adaptations of it.
  • Steam engine by James Watt

    Steam engine by James Watt
    This was an engine that ran off of steam. An advantage of this would be that it could be located anywhere and a disadvantage would be that it was really big and heavy. A more efficient version of the steam engine is still used today, but the version that was used in the industrial revolution isn't.
  • Water frame by Richard Arkwright

    Water frame by Richard Arkwright
    it was a spinning machine powered by water that produced a cotton yarn suitable for warp (lengthwise threads). An advantage of this invention would be that it made stronger thread than the spinning jenny. A disadvantage would be that the yarn it made was thicker and coarser than the spinning jenny's yarn. This invention led to factories, which are still being used today, being created.
  • Spinning jenny by James Hartgreaves

    Spinning jenny by James Hartgreaves
    It was a multiple spindle hand-powered spinning wheel. An advantage of the spinning jenny was that it made it easier to spin cloth, a disadvantage would be the increased need for labor to use this machine in factories. The spinning jenny paved the way for better models or innovations of it.
  • Spinning mule by Samuel Crompton

    Spinning mule by Samuel Crompton
    The spinning mule was a spinning machine that allowed large-scale manufacturing of high-quality thread. An advantage would be that one person could operate more than 1,00 spindles at once and that it could spin fine and coarse yarn. A disadvantage would be that a lot of women were replaced by this machine, so they didn't have anywhere to work.
  • First steam railway locomotive by Richard Trevithick

    First steam railway locomotive by Richard Trevithick
    This locomotive used high pressure steam that was allowed to expand within a cylinder, which led to a smaller and lighter engine being built. An advantage of this would be that the engines were extremely versatile. The danger of the engines would be a disadvantage. These engines led to the creation of better engines used today.
  • Commercially successful steamboat by Robert Fulton

    Commercially successful steamboat by Robert Fulton
    Robert Fulton brought steam boating out of the experimental stage and into commercial success. An advantage of this would be that it was easier to get place to place by boat, a disadvantage would be that the engine would explode because it would accumulate too much pressure. Today, steam is used to move turbine engines.
  • Steam locomotive by George Stephenson

    Steam locomotive by George Stephenson
    The steam locomotive was a locomotive that had a "steam blast" which was when the exhaust steam was directed up a chimney and then pulled air in after it, which increased the draft. An advantage of this would be that it could haul 30 tons of coal at 4mph going uphill. A disadvantage would be that it caused a lot of pollution. Today, steam locomotives are still in use for historical, educational, or entertainment purposes.
  • Fermentation by Louis Pasteur

    Fermentation by Louis Pasteur
    Fermentation is the chemical breakdown using yeast, bacteria, and other microorganisms. An advantage of this would be that we learned more abut how to keep drinks, like alcohol and milk, fresh for longer and a disadvantage would be that producing these beverages by fermentation costs a lot. Fermentation is still used today to produce alcohol.
  • The Bessemer process by Henry Bessemer

    The Bessemer process by Henry Bessemer
    The Bessemer process was the process of blowing air through melted cast iron to purify and heat it more. An advantage of this would be that larger, slag-free ingots were able to be made, and a disadvantage of this would be that the phosphorus and sulfur in the cast that was used were harmful to the iron. The Bessemer process was replaced by the Linz Donawitz (LD) converter which is still used as one of the main methods to convert liquid iron into liquid steel.
  • Phonograph by Thomas Edison

    Phonograph by Thomas Edison
    The phonograph is an instrument used to reproduce sound through the vibration of a needle on a grooved disk. A disadvantage of this would be that dirt could get on the disk and make unwanted sound. An advantage would be that the disks could be pressed for easy duplication. phonographs are still used today in the form of record players.
  • Tesla coil by NikolaTesla

    Tesla coil by NikolaTesla
    The Tesla coil is an electronic resonant transformer circuit. An advantage would be that it could create high voltage at low current. A disadvantage would be that it had the potential to explode. Tesla coils led to how the electricity moves through our houses and strings of lights.