industrial revolution

By qsdfghj
  • Abraham Darby

    Discovered a cheaper and simpler method of producing cast iron, using a coke-fueled (as opposed to charcoal) furnace.
  • Thomas Newcomen

    Develops the first practical steam engine (used mainly to pump water from mines).
  • James Hargreaves

    He invented the spinning jenny, a machine that allowed an individual to produce multiple spools of yarn simultaneously.
  • James Watt

    Improved Newcomen's work, and the steam engine later powered machinery, locomotives, and ships during the Industrial Revolution.
  • Samuel Compton

    He improved the spinning machine, wich he will call spinning mule.
  • Edmund Cartwight

    He developed the power loom, which mechanizes the process of weaving cloth.
  • Henry Bessemer

    Develops the first low-cost process for the mass production of steel.
  • Carl Benz

    Thanks to his internal combustion engine, he develops the first automobile.
  • Bell

    invents the telephone
  • Pierre and Marie Curie

    They succeeded in isolating radium, this opening the way to nuclears physics.