Industrial Revolution

  • The steam engine is invented

    Thomas Newcomen invents the first steam engine, the idea of making machines function using steam is highly significant to the Industrial Revolution
  • Cotton mills were opened in England

  • James Hargreaves invents Spinning Jenny

    This machine spins multiple balls of thread at a time which makes the process of making cloth quicker
  • Factory Act restricts work hours for women and children

    Children up to the age of 13 were to receive 2 hours of school, six days a week, this was to be shown by mill owners
  • Trade unions minimum age laws (USA)

    National Trades’ Unions Convention made a public proposal of recommendation of that the states establish a minimum age for work
  • First state child labour Law

    Children under 15 working in factories must attend school at least 3 months in a year
  • Laws limit children’s working days

    Massachusetts limits children to only working 10 hours a day but a not always enforced
  • Elias Howe invents sewing machine

    Enable opportunity to make clothing in large factories rather than by hand
  • Alfred Nobel creates dynamite

    Creates a safer method to blast holes in mountains, as well as playing an important role to clearing paths to build roads or railroad tracks
  • Labour movement urges a minimum age law

    Proposal of banning employment of children under the age of 14
  • Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone

    Enabled people to speak to others over a telephone wire which improved communication in the world
  • Ban of children under 14 from unemployment

    First national convention of the American Federation passes a resolution
  • New York Unions state reform prohibits cigar making in tenements

    Thousands of children were involved in this trade
  • Democratic party (Union recommendation) bans factory employment from children under the age of 15