Industrial revolution

  • Industrial revolution

    The formation of the East India company
  • Industrial revolution

    the formation of the East India company
  • Industrial revolution

    Abraham Darby leases the furnace which he successfully uses for the first time.
  • Industrial revolution

    Abraham darby leases the furnace which he successfully uses for the first time
  • steam engine

    Thomas Newcomen invents the first steam engine
  • Silk factory

    Started by John lobe located in Derbyshire
  • Weaving machine

    invented by John Kay known as the flying shuttle
  • Cotton clothes

    Were being produced using the raw cotton imported from overseas
  • Bridge water canal

    opens and is named after Francis Egerton
  • Spinning jenny

    invented by James Hargreaves
  • repair of steam engine

    Scottish inventor James watt is commissioned to carry out repairs to Thomas Newcomen's steam engine
  • Industrial revolution

    James watt was granted his first British patent for unique design
  • Industrial revolution

    The yarn produced by the new spinning jenny was not particularly strong
  • Industrial revolution

    the English inventor Samuel Crompton invented the spinning mule
  • Industrial revolution

    the inventor Richard Arkwright became an entrepreneur and opened a cotton spinning mill
  • Industrial revolution

    the ironmaster Henery court furnaces in order to make iron came up with the idea for puddling
  • Industrial revolution

    the power loom was invented