Flying Shuttle
The flying shuttle was invented by John Kay. It increased the speed of weaving and it allowed a weaver to make bigger fabrics. At the end of the shuttle, it has these rollers to reduce friction. Also, the Flying Shuttle is heavy so they had to carry it back and forth. The Flying Shuttle was very noisy when they would weave fabric. It was important because it allowed a weaver to make lots of the fabrics faster and it made more. -
Textile Mills
This can do a lot and help make yarn faster and stronger. It can do carding, combing, drawing, spinning, checking, folding and twisting. The textile mills are where you turn fiber to yarn and yarn to fiber. Also, in this invention Cotton is the most important piece of fiber. Any results with the textile mills it uses hand techniques with the same results. After it is done spinning and piled it then goes to a room where it is being winded. -
Spinning Jenny
The Spinning Jenny is a multi-spinning frame and was a key development in the Industrial Revolution. It was invented in 1764 by James Hargreaves in England. The Spinning Jenny made weaving easier and it didn't take long to make cloth. The cloth workers would know when a new machine would come in and when they figured out that James Hargreaves had built a machine then his house was broken into and the machine was then destroyed. -
Steam Engine
The Steam Engine was invented by James Watt. It produced more power and it let factories to be built in the cities. The Steam Engine is a heat engine using steam. Steam Engines have been used to do lots of things. It was used to pump things. Also, the Steam Engine was like a moving force in the Industrial Revolution. It was important because it was used for all types of different ways. -
Water Frame
The Water Frame made it easier to make a cotton thread. The machine spun 128 threads at a time which also made it easier. It was being run on water power and it made stronger and harder yarn than the Spinning Jenny. It was invented by Richard Arkwright but it was based on Thomas Highs invention. Also, the Water Frame was originally powered by horses but in 1770 Arkwright built a water-powered mill in Cromford, Derbyshire. -
Factory System
The Factory System was in Britain at the beginning of the Revolution. It was powered by water or steam. The Factory System was a new way of organizing labor. Workers had to work long hours, dawn to dusk. With the workers working this long it reduced skilled and the unskilled workers. Also, it increased the output to a worker. Josiah Wedgwood and Mathew Boulton employed the Factory System. It was important because it got things done faster and easier. -
Three-Field System
It's a Crop Rotation that is used in early modern Europe. Crop Rotation grew a series of different crops in the same area but different seasons. The Three-Field System required lots of plowing until the moldboard plow was invented. The food that was produced had the population of Europe increase. Also, it was more crops to sell so it helped the economy. -
Steam Locomotive
The Steam Locomotive was the greatest transportation. The Steam-Powered Railroad was made by Richard Trevithick. It was created by John Blenkinsop and was built by George Stephenson. the Steam Locomotive was used to carry passengers on a rail line. It is fueled by coal, wood, or oil and it is produced by steam using a boiler. Also, the Steam Locomotives were then retired in the 1980's. This was important because it increased profits and it stimulated in the iron and coal industries. -
Henry Bessemer
Bessemer invented a cheaper way of making steel. His invention made steel easier and faster. The invention worked by using oxygen in air blown in a molten pig to burn off the containment to create steel. This was important because it lowered the price of steel. -
Child Labor
Child Labor has existed for a long time. In the 19th and 20th centuries, children have aged from 5-14 from poor families that still worked in Europe. Many of the children have worked in factories, mining, agriculture, and at home. Charles Dickens worked at the age of 12 in a factory. Also, in coal mines children would crawl through the tunnels. This was important because children health wasn't good when they were working those long hours.