Industrial Revolution Neme, Soria

  • Smelting of Iron

    Abraham Darby found a way to smelt iron. With previous knowledge about smelting coal, an iron ore was placed in a blast furnace and burnt it until it melted into pure iron.
  • First bridge made of cast iron

    The first in the world to be constructed entirely from cast iron in Ironbridge town.
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to mainland Europe

    As the innovations of Britain’s Industrial Revolution diffused into mainland Europe, proximity to coal fields and connection via water to a port remained crucial for industrial development.
  • First crossing of the Atlantic by a steam-powered vessel

    Ocean shipping entered a new age with new technology which consisted in using steam power.
  • Connection of Manchester to the rail network

    Manchester, a center of textile manufacturing, was connected by rail to the port of Liverpool, which linked Britain with the colonies.
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to North America

    The Industrial revolution began mainly in New England. There was a lot of coal available in the United States, and depended greatly on lakes and railroads to import new materials
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to Russia/Ukraine

    Tsar Peter the great devoted much of St. Petersburgh to industrialization and manufacturing, by attracting various European merchants and artisans. They also had an abundance of coal in the Dunbass region
  • Period: to

    Emergence of Fordist production

    Began with a mass production assembly line conducted by Henry Ford. His idea was so significant that there was a dominant mode of mass production that endured several years.
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to East Asia

    Japan became one of the world's leading industrial country based on their raw materials and imports from other countries.