steam engine
The steam engine was produced by Thomas Newcomen and developed by James Watt in 1712. it was used in many industrial settings like to pump water from deep working. this led to use to power machinery in factories. coal and iron were crucial during the Industrial Revolution. Coal was used to power the steam engines and to make iron. -
Flying Shuttle
Key invention during the Industrial Revolution for weaving. The flying shuttle was invented by John Kay in 1733. It was a part of the textile loom that made it work more efficiently. Factories were able to employ less people due to the time the flying shuttle saved during the woolen process, and therefore save money. -
Puddling was the machine that could make high-grade bar iron which got them able to make boats easier and they got made alot faster than if you had to doit all yourself -
Spinning Jenny
James Hargereaves invented the spinning jenny in 1764. It was a machine that was spinning eight thread of cotton yarn. It impact the industrial revolution because it was credied with mpving the texlie industry from homes to factories. it is still used to this day in homes -
The power loom
A power loom is a power loom that was designed in 1784 by Edmund cartweight. The power loom would help them weave and make yarn to make blankets and would be so much easier and quicker -
steam locomotive
There was a British engineer named Richard Trevithick who invented the steam locomotive. The steam locomotive was invented to help people travel faster and more eficent. -
The Clermont
Robert Fulton accomplished the Clert in 1807. He purchased a steam engine to power a 133 foot steam boat. The steam engines had been used to pump water from deep workings. the steam engine was the most important to the industrial revolution. it created many changes and addictions to techonology of time. steam locmotives are vehicles that run on rails or tracks and are powered by steam engines. -
the telegraph
the telegraph was invented by two brits, William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone. This was invented to make contacting other people a lot easer. -
Invented by Felix Hoffman. Hoffman joined the Bayer Pharmaceutical research team in England. Bayer marketed his idea as Asprin. Asprin is widely used today as a pain reliever and many people take low doses to help prevent heart attacks and strokes. Many medical advances, including the invention of Aspirin, happened during the industrial revolution because of the growing technology.