
Industrial revolution

  • thomas savery

    thomas savery
    The first steam-powered machine was built in 1698 by the English military engineer Thomas Savery His invention, designed to pump water out of coal mines, was known as the Miner's Friend. They later started it calling it the savery pump.
  • Thomas Newcomen

    Thomas Newcomen
    Thomas newcomen improved the steam engine in 1712. although it was an improvment, it had many down faults. Thomas Newcomen was a prominent British engineer, best known for inventing the atmospheric steam engine, which was the the world’s oldest known steam engine for pumping water. The Newcomen engine largely influenced later designs such as James Watt’s engine.
  • oliver evans

    oliver evans
    Oliver Evans created the high pressure steam engine. Evans created other invention as well but his high pressure steam engine was what he was well known for. Evans was one of the most profolic and influential inventors in the early years of the united states.
  • James watt

    James watt
    Also who try to improve the steam engine in the 1760's, and then in 1785 he done so, by using heat more eficientaly with less fuel. james watt was a scottish enginer and inventor and one of the most important contrubutors in the industrial revolution. He became one of the wealthiest inventors at this time.
  • coal and iron

    coal and iron
    both coal and iron were crucial during this time because col was needed to make steam engines run and to produce iron. In the early 1800s enough iron was produced to make the goods that people needed.
  • The cornish steam engine

    The cornish steam engine
    The cornish steam engine was created by Richard Trevithick he attempted to update the pumping engone created by watt. It was modified to adapr to the cornish boilers which Trevithick had designed. Later on other inventors went on and improve the cornish steam engine.
  • the first public railroad to use locomotives

    the first public railroad to use locomotives
    stockton and darlington was a railway company that operated in north-east England from 1825 to 1863. The world's first public railway to use steam locomotives.
  • Fun facts about the Steam engine

    From the mid-1800s to the early 1900s, steam-powered engines were very popular. Steam engines powered trains, boats and even huge ships. The Titanic was steam powered. People even made steam cars.
  • stationary steam engine

    stationary steam engine
    Stationary steam engines are fixed steam engines used for pumping or driving millsa and factories, and for more power genaration.they were introduced in the 18th century and widely made in the 1900s and most of the half of the 20th century. declining in electricity the internal combustion became more widespread.
  • Ivan polzunov

    Ivan polzunov
    Ivan polzunov created the first two cylinder steam engine. He was an russian inventor who created the first steam engine in his country. Polzunov’s two cylinder steam engine was more powerful than the English atmospheric engines. It had a power rating of 24 kw.
  • Beggining of industrial revolution steam engine

    Beggining of industrial revolution steam engine
    1698 was the begginning of the steam boat first commercial. coal was used to power the steam engine and to make iron. The steam engine was one of the most important inventions technologies in the industrial revolution. Steam engines made the factory production more effecient and advance. This made people jobs more easy for them to do.
  • The steam engine today!

    The steam engine today!
    Not a whole lot has been changed with the steam engine just different in the way they look now!
  • Words to know about the steam engine

    Words to know about the steam engine
    condenser: An instrument for cooling air or gases.
    cylinder: The chamber of an engine in which the piston moves.
    piston: A sliding piece that is moved by or moves against fluid pressure within a cylindrical vessel or chamber.
    turbine: An engine that moves in a circular motion when force, such as moving water, is applied to its series of baffles thin plates or screens radiating from a central shaft.
  • steam engine video

    steam engine video
  • MLA format

    MLA format
    "Steam Engine." UXL Encyclopedia of Science. 2002. Retrieved March 20, 2015 from ''Steam engone facts" industrial revolution. 2002. retreived march 20, 2015 from