Industrial Revolution

  • The Flying Shuttle

    The Flying Shuttle
    John Kay invented the timeline, so that one single weaver could weave much bigger fabric
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny to spin wool and cloth faster, it is hand powered
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny to spin wool and cloth, it is hand powered
  • Spinning/Water frame

    Spinning/Water frame
    Richard Arkwright patented the spinning frame but was credited for inventing the water frame. the water frame was a large spinning machine that made thousands of cotton thread all at once
  • Spinning Mule

    Spinning Mule
    James Compton invented the spinning mule that revolutionized the industry world wide, the mule did the same thing as the jenny annd the ater frame
  • Steamboat

    Robert Fulton help make the steamboat be able to travel, he is commonly known for inventing it
  • The first steam locomotive

    The first steam locomotive
    Richard Trevithick is the first to invent the high pressured steam railway locomotive
  • Steam Locomotive

    Steam Locomotive
    George Stephenson invented the locomotive that gets its pulling power through a steam engine
  • Manufacturing Steel

    Manufacturing Steel
    Henry Bessemer developed the process of manufacturing steel cheaply, which eventually led to the development of the Bessemer converter
  • Pasteurization

    Louis Pasteur came up with the process of pasteurization where bacteria is killed by heating beverages then letting them cool
  • The Light Bulb/Electricity

    The Light Bulb/Electricity
    Thomas Edison is well known for inventing the light bulb, but he didn't invent it he innovated it
  • Nikola Tesla

    Nikola Tesla
    Tesla was a Serbian-american inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, phycicst and futurist, he is best known for his contribution to the electric system
  • Photocopier

    James Watt invented the photocopier to make paper copies of documents and images quickly and cheaply