Robert Fulton
Robert Fulton was born in little township Britian in Pensylvania.
http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi1674.htm -
D'Auxiron's Steam Boat
D'Auxiron retired from the Army to work full time on this boat. The government told this man that he would have a builder exclusive's liscence to run the boat for fifteen years. So he did and he put a huge old Newcomen motor in this ship. But when he put it in the water it sank because the engine weighed to much.
http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi1084.htm -
Who holds the mark on history?
A man by the name of John Finch, was the first to float a steam boat on the Deleware River. However we dont give the credit to John Finch most people give it to Robert Fulton. Because he used the first commercial steam boat.
http://www.geniusproject.com/blog/famous-projects/inventing-the-steamboat-why-people-matter-in-npd-projects/ -
Interesting Facts about the SteamBoats
The steam boats where very dangerous to take through canals but people risked it because of the speed and rate they could go. There was often fires and boiler fires on the boat there were survivors and there were deaths. Most interesting one is the boats were often attacked by native indians.
http://www.lookandlearn.com/blog/27822/a-mississippi-steamboat-survived-the-ohio-falls-indian-attacks-and-an-earthquake/ -
This is the link to my video www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXdlWXmi0-A -
The Meeting
In 1802 Robert Fulton met with Robert Livingston to build the first steam boat that would ply the hudson river.
http://www.geniusproject.com/blog/famous-projects/inventing-the-steamboat-why-people-matter-in-npd-projects/ -
The attempt of John Livingston
In the late 1790s John Livingston wanted to find a quicker way to travel from manhattan to a home estate. The trip was 110 miles up the hudson river. The only proble was that John Livingston was not an inventor. So therefore all of John Livingston steam boat attempts faild. His attempts where in 1803.
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/newyork//laic/episode1/topic7/e1_t7_s3-is.html -
Oliver Evans
This steam boat that Oliver Evans built was a seventeen ton steam engine. They put the huge engine on wheels and pushed it around down town philedelphia. Then they dropped the boat into the Schuylkill River, there it went 16 miles to a dock in deleware.
http://faculty.humanities.uci.edu/bjbecker/SpinningWeb/lecture16.html -
Better Than Flate Boats
The steamships were not only better than flat boats for carrying people and cargo but also speed. The steamships could go uphill twice as fast as the flatboats could this is why steamships became more popular than flat boats in around and after the industrial revolution.
http://steamboattimes.com/flatboats.html -
Ready for Trial
In the early morning of August 17,1807 the steam boat was ready to run. It was going to run from NYC to Albany and back.
http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=steam+boat&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAUQjhw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmoralchaos.deviantart.com%2Fart%2F1800-th-Century-Steamboat-332419983&ei=G24LVc2dFoOayATe4IGICw&bvm=bv.88528373,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNH74csfmSD5nqapH0Yv3cL276j3tg&ust=1426898836479596 -
"iIt is a Foolish Scheme"
As stated above "it is a Foolish Scheme" the passangers did not like the trip it took over two days to make the journey and there was a number of problems, all minor and Robert Fulton fixed them while being abord it is still amazing, although it took over two days to make the trip this was the first steam boat to work and or go in the industrial revolution.
http://www.iment.com/maida/familytree/henry/history/clermont/ -
Details of the Historical steamboat.
The exact date of when this was built is not given but we know it was between 1802 and August 17, 1807. The boat was 150 feet long and 13 feet wide. Amidships the engine was, Amidships a steam boiler that used flame and smoke to power two paddle wheels that were on both sides of the hull.
http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=robert+fulton+steamboat&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAUQjhw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cardcow.com%2F41169%2Frobert-fultons-steamboat-clermont-exposition%2F&ei=Q24 -
The Comet by Henry Bell
In the year 1812 Henry Bell invented a small steam boat called the comet. He Ran this boat in the River clyde. This boat was a success. The boat did run in goes down in history as one of the first steam boats.
http://www.electricscotland.com/history/glasgow/glasgow3_48.htm -
The Father of Navigation
Between 1765 and 1815 Robert Fulton started building second, and most widley known steam boats. He became known as the father of navigation because of his inventions.
http://www.american-historama.org/1801-1828-evolution/steamboats-of-1800s.htm -
The James Watt
The James Watt was a the biggest ship of the time. The James Watt was 43 meters long. It was ran and or powered by two Boulton and Watt engines, each had paddle wheels. This was one of the first sea going steam ships of all time. (meaning it went in the sea).
http://www.saburchill.com/history/chapters/IR/034.html -
The First Iron Steam Ship
In 1822 the Aaron Manby was the first iron ship to be steam powered.
This ship ran between Britian and France. Later after being used as a ship she was used as a luxury cruise ship. It ran on the seine.