Industrial Revolution

  • First steam engine was invented

    First steam engine was invented
  • British won in Battle of Plassey

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Spinning Jenny was invented

  • Richard Arkwright opened the first factory at Cromford

  • Improved the steam engine

  • Samuel Slater migrated to America from Britain

    Brough over many of Britain's ideas on new machines
  • Eli Whitney created the cotton gin

  • John Deere Invented first steel plow

  • Presidential nomination was telegraphed

  • Elisha Otis made elevators safe for everyone to use

  • Started using the Bessemer Process

  • Internal Combustion Engine made by Étienne Lenoir

  • Telephone invented by Alexander Graham Bell

  • Great Railroad Strike breaks out when railroad worker's wages are decreased

  • Assembly line introduced in factories