Steam Engine
The first steam engine was invented by Thomas Newcomen. It wasn't really that useful yet. The steam engine was a big influence to the industrial machinery.
http://www.his.com/~pshapiro/steam.engines.html -
Flying shuttle
John Kay invents the flying shuttle. The Invention allowed the shuttle, containing the thread, to be shot backwards and forwards across a much wider bed.The flying shuttle also allowed the thread to be woven at a faster rate, thus enabling the process of weaving to become faster.
http://www.saburchill.com/history/chapters/IR/009.html -
Spinning Jenny
James Hargreaves the person that invented the spinning The machine spins more than one ball of yarn at a time. It makes it easier to make clothes. Easier for worker that is working in the textile industries.
http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blspinningjenny.htm -
Improvement of the Steam Engine
James Watts designed a more useful steam engine that have better use for the industrial machinery. The steam engine can power boats, trains, and factories.
http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php?author=bachman&book=inventors&story=watt -
Georges Louis Lesage patents the electric telegraph. This invention help people communicating with other that is far away. It came in handy for businessmen or people that is running a company.
http://www.connected-earth.com/Journeys/Firstgenerationtechnologies/Thetelegraph/Lookingfortheelectrictelegraph/index.htm -
Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney invented a machine so called cotton gin. Make it easier to pick the seeds from the cotton. It greatly reduce the time to clean the cotton and help southerners to make money off of these cotton crops. But the cons it increase the percentage of slavery rate in the south.
http://www.history.com/topics/inventions/cotton-gin-and-eli-whitney -
Light Bulbs
Thomas Edison crater of the light bulbs. The light helps people do many things during night time such as work. His invention
lasted longer until now. Without the invention during that time and period workers wouldn't be able to work during the night