Industrial revolution

Industrial Revolution

  • James Watt invents steam engine

    James Watt invents steam engine
    Jan 1769, James Watt invents steam engine
  • Invention of steam ship

    Invention of steam ship
  • First successful trail in a steam boat

    First successful trail in a steam boat
  • Model steamboat built that ran four times

    Model steamboat built that ran four times
  • First steam boat built

    First steam boat built
  • Invention of the first electric light

    Invention of the first electric light
  • Stevens demonstrated the feasibilty of steam locomotive

    Stevens demonstrated the feasibilty of steam locomotive
  • Baltimore and Ohio railroad were built

    Baltimore and Ohio railroad were built
  • Famous day for American transportation

    Famous day for American transportation
  • 30,000 miles of railway track in use

    30,000 miles of railway track in use
  • Invention of traffic lights

    Invention of traffic lights