Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Jethro Tull's Mechanical Seed Planter
Permits large scale planting in rows, fro easier cultivation between the rows. -
Smeltering Iron Ore
Abraham Darby uses coke to smelt Iron Ore, replacing wood and charcol as fuel. -
Steam Engine
Thomas Newcomen builds first commercially successful Steam Engine. Able to keep deep coal mines clear of water. First Signicant power source other than wind and water. -
Flying Shuttle
John Kay's Flying Shuttle. -
Threshing Machine
First threshing Machine. -
Power Loom
Cartwright builds the Power loom. -
Steam Locomotive
Robert Trevithick demonstrates a Steam Locomotive. -
Steam Boat
Robert Fulton's Clermont first successful Steam Boat. -
Electro-Magnetic Rotation
Faraday demonstrates Electro-Magnetic Rotation, the principle of the electric motor. -
Telegraph and Morse Code, Steamship
Morse developes the Telegraph and Morse Code. Great Western, first ocean going steamship. -
Sewing Machine and Natural Sciences Tripos at Cambridge
Singer invents first practical Sewing Machine and Natural Sciences Tripos at Cambridge. -
Elevator Safety Brake
Elisha Otis invents the Elevator Safety Brake making skyscrapers possible. -
The Origin of Species, Oil and Gasoline Engine
Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species
Edwin Drake strikes Oil in Pennsylvania.
Etienne Lenoir demonstrates the first successful Gasoline Engine. -
Alfred Nobel produces dynamite, the first high explosive which can be safety handled. -
Bell invents the Telephone. -
Automobile to run on Internal
Benz developes first Automobile to run on Internal- combustion engine.