John Kay
invented the Flying Shuttle in 1733. It was made during the industrial revolution and it was used for weaving. It was made so a single person could weave longer and wider fabrics. -
James Hargreaves
Invented the Spinning Jenny, which is a spinning frame that helped increase the speed of weaving. It used a spinning wheel to move the thread around. It was invented in England, 1764. People still use a similar kind of spinning jenny to this day. -
Richard Arkwright
invented the water frame and the spinning frame, which were patented in 1768. The Water Frame was capable of spinning up to 96 strands of yarn at a time. At that time, this machine was powered using a water wheel. -
James Watt
innovated an invention to create the "Watt steam engine," in 1770. This was considered an innovation because it was an improvement of the machine created by Thomas Newcomen. It was very important for the people of the industrial revolution, since it powered the machines used at that time. -
Samuel Crompton
invented the spinning mule in 1779. The spinning mule is combinations of two other machines, similar to how a mule is a hybrid. It was a spinning machine that combined the concepts of the water frame and the spinning Jenny. -
Richard Trevithick
invented the first operational locomotive in 1803. It is believed and is credited for building the first high-pressure locomotive. Because of the of this invention, it could now be possible to transport vehicles over rails, which increased production rate of many materials like clothing. -
Robert Fulton
is believed to be thee creator of the steam boat. A steamboat is a boat with a strong steam engine which powers it. The invention led to war over seas, improvement in commerce, and other contributions. -
George Stephenson
created the first public inter-city railway line. It was opened to the public in 1830. This was a huge accomplishment for the Industrial Revolution because it affected the way materials were transferred from place to place. In addition to that, he also made a locomotive that could use that same track. -
Henry Bessemer
invented the way to manufacture steel. This later improved many things. For example, because steel is strong, it was used to make buildings higher, and tools stronger. -
Louis Pasteur
discovered the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization on April 20, 1862. This helped create a safe environment while working, and helped agriculture during the industrial revolution. -
Thomas Edison
is known for making the infamous invention, the light bulb. The light bulb was an invention that lighted the area around it. This invention made it possible for workers to work during the darker hours. In addition to that, it increased slave and child labor. -
Nikola Tesla
created the Alternating Current supply system. This helped power many things during the industrial revolution.