Industrial Revolution

By kelly.s
  • Agricultural Revolution

    Agricultural Revolution
    The Agricultural Revoution was the increase of food production. This meant the cost of food went down and people had more money to spend on things such as manufactured goods, which meant more people could be employed in manufacturing.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Steam Engine Invented

    Steam Engine Invented
    Factories were originally powered by rivers, and so the invention of the steam engine by Thomas Newcomen meant they could be located anywhere. This meant the water in the rivers could be cleaner.
  • Invention of the Water Frame

    Invention of the Water Frame
    The water frame was invented by Richard Arkwright. It connected a water wheel to a spinning machine so that the water wheel could power the spinning machine.
  • First Factory Act passed

    First Factory Act passed
    This Act ensured that children under 9 could not work, and there were maximum hours depending on a child's age. It also ensured 2 hours of school and was carried out by 4 inspectors.
  • Poor Law Amendment Act

    Poor Law Amendment Act
    This act changed how the poor were treated. Less money was put into looking after them, forcing them to go into workhouses, which had very poor sanitary conditions.
  • Change in the Education Act

    Change in the Education Act
    School is now compulsory and required for children up to 18. In 1880 it was changed to 10 and 1918 to 14.