
industrial revaluation

  • Period: to


    Wedgwood begins manufacturing pottery
  • 1765

    Hargreaves invents spinning jenny
    James Watt builds improved steam train
  • 1782

    James watt invents first rotative engine
  • 1791

    Eli Watts cotton gin built
  • 1825

    First steam engine railroad built by stevenson
    first camera
  • 1834

    first mechanical reaper
  • 1844

    Morse sends first telegraphic message between Washington and Baltimore
  • 1851

    Great exhibition opens in London's Crystal Palace
  • 1851

    Singer Sewing Machine invented
  • 1854

    India's first cotton mill built
  • 1856

    Mass production of steel invented
  • 1856

    first commercial refrigeration
  • 1863

    Construction of the London Underground Rail system begins
  • 1868

    Beginning of Meiji Period in Japan and the great leap forward in industrialisation
  • 1870

    Japans first telegraph line is laid
  • 1872

    Overland telegraph links South Australia with Darwin in north
  • 1876

    Telephone system developed by Alexander Graham Bell
  • 1878

    Internal combustion engine developed in Germany
  • 1878

    Edison invents the electric light
  • 1878

    Edison invents the electric light
  • 1881

    First electric trams, Germany
  • 1881

    first electric trams, Germany
  • 1886

    First automobile developed by Daimler and Benz
  • 1888

    First railroad in China opened
  • 1895

    Wireless telegraph invented by Marconi
  • 1897

    Electric trams begin running in Brisbane
  • 1902

    communication between Austrlia and United States
  • 1903

    Wright Brothers make first aeroplane flight
  • 1904

    Sydney gets electric street lighting
  • 1908

    Henry Ford produces the first model T Ford
  • 1910

    Harry Houdini flies first plane in Austrlia
  • 1912

    Francis Birtles crosses Australia in automobile