The program was fundated by the faculty -
First program director
Henry Arango Dueñas was choosen as program director -
Second program director
Leonardo Rivera Cadavid was choosen as program director -
First program event
The first EUDII was made in 2001 -
First promotion
The first promotion of industrial engineers was graduated in 2002 -
Third program director
Angelica Burbano Collazos was choosen as program director in 2003 -
First accreditation
Industrial engineering received the CNA accreditation in 2004 for 4 years. this is a national acreditation. -
Fourth program director
Leonardo Rivera Cadavid was reelected as program director -
Labs inaguration
The L ediffice where there are some industrial engineering labs was inagurated in 2009 -
Fifth program director
Efrain Pinto Brand was choosen as program director in 2009 -
Industrial engineering renewed the CNA acreditation in 2011 for 6 years -
First curricular change
The curricular plan was changed in 2015 -
New students
The program has the highest number of new students in 2016 -
International accreditation
Industrial engineering received ABET accreditation in 2017 for 6 years. This is an international accreditation. -
Industrial engineering´s ediffice
Industrial engineering received new industrial labs on N ediffice. -
Until 2018 there are 859 graduates -
EUDII extreme
The last EUDII until now was made in october. -
3D printers
Industrial engineering received two new 3D printers with new materials