Period: to
The Progressive Era
Theodore Roosevelt elected President
Meat Inspection Law passed
All animals must be inspected before slaughtered and processed for human consumption. -
Pure Food and Drug Act passed
Makes sure that food industries keep their products up to certain safetly conditions. -
William Taft elected President
Summer Day
by Frank Weston Benson -
Creation of the Department of Labor
Sherman Antitrust Act passed
Breaks up the Standard Oil and American Tobacco Company monopolies. -
16th Amendment ratified
Creates an income tax. -
Woodrow Wilson elected President
First use of assembly line by Henry Ford
Motive of Space and Form - A new Jersey Village (Montville)
by Oscar Bluemner -
U. S. enters World War I
Treaty of Versailles ends Worlds War I
19th Amendment ratified
Grants women the right to vote. -
The Great Depression begins
The Steel Mill
by Thomas Hart Benton