Abraham Darby found a way to smelt iron.
The towns bridge was the first to be constructed entirely form cast iron.
Japan colanized korea, taiwan, and portions of mainland china which brought capital and and resorces for industry
The ocean shipping also entered a new age when the first stem-powered vessel crossed the athlantic
A manchester was connected by rail to the nearby port of Liverpool
A German economic geographer Alfred Webler developed a basic model explaining where industries would cluster
United States furniture manufactoring shifted from boston to cincinnati
Furniture manufacturing took off in North Carolina when northern enterpreners build manufacturing plants here
When the communists planners took over
The primary industreal regions that stand out on the worlds map of industreal centers
The united states reliance on forgain energy resorces was even greater than the other past years
The United States required more than 20.6 million barrels of petroliom per day to keep in power plants, machinery, and other stuff too
The country was the third largest oil producer in the world