Indonesia-China Strategic Partnership

  • Kunjungan Hassan Wirajuda ke China

    The governments of Indonesia and China agreed to build a bilateral strategic partnership, senior officials of the two countries said here on Friday. The statement was made in a joint press conference between Indonesian Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda and Visiting Chinese president's Special Envoy and State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan after their meeting here.
  • Pertemuan Presiden Yudhoyono dan Premier Wen (ASEAN-China Summit 2004)

    At a meeting with Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Wen said the bilateral ties of mutual trust, reciprocity, equality and cooperation, is aimed at enhancing peace, stability and prosperity of the two countries, as well as of the region and the world. Wen is here for an official visit to Laos, and for attending the eighth summit between the ASEAN and China. Wen expects the two nations to expand cooperation in trade, agriculture, energy and infrastructure.
  • China and Indonesia seal strategic pact

    China and Indonesia seal strategic pact
    The leaders of Indonesia and China signed agreements on Monday to establish a "strategic partnership" and open the way for more trade, investment and maritime cooperation. President Hu Jintao of China and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono met in Jakarta and signed nine agreements one day after they attended a summit meeting of Asian and African heads of state in Indonesia.
  • Penandatanganan MoU Indonesia-China

    China and Indonesia signed a series of MOUs [memorandums of
    understanding] or agreements here Thursday [28 July] to boost cooperation in the defence, economic and cultural sectors and to help rebuild tsunami-hit areas, on the 55th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
  • Kunjungan Hadi Utomo (PDIP) ke China

    China will combine efforts with Indonesia in promoting long-term
    development of bilateral ties based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, a senior Chinese party official said on December 7. Wu Guanzheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), made the remarks when meeting with Hadi Utomo, chairman of Indonesia's Democratic Party.
  • Kunjungan DPR ke China

    Wu said the NPC is ready to strengthen communications between the parliaments of both countries in such dimensions as parliamentary leaders, friendship groups and specialized committees. He said the two parliaments should increase exchanges in such areas as legislation and supervision.
  • Kunjungan Jia Qinglin (CPPCC) ke Indonesia

    Jia, chairman of the CPPCC, made the remark during his speech at a welcome gathering held by personages from all sections of the Indonesian society. Jia said the strategic partnership between the two countries is a new style of international relationship that is non- alliance, non-confrontation and not against any third parties. The aim of the strategic partnership is to maintain world peace and promote common development, Jia said.
  • Pertemuan Pertahanan Pertama Indonesia-China

    Indonesian Defence Minister Juwono Sudarsono and National Army
    Commander-in-Chief Yuege Suyanto had separate meetings here today with the visiting Zhang Qinsheng, assistant chief of general staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army [PLA]; and exchanged views with him on the first defence security talks between the two countries' defence departments and on strengthening the two armed forces' mutual understanding and trust
  • Kunjungan Hassan Wirajuda ke China

    Chinese State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan on Monday calls on Indonesia to faithfully abide by the one-China policy. Tang told visiting Indonesian Foreign Minister Hasan Wirayuda that China firmly supports Indonesia's efforts in maintaining national unity and appreciates its contribution to promoting China-ASEAN relations. He expressed the hope that the two sides would continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in various fields to promote the bilateral strategic partnership.
  • Kunjungan Megawati (PDIP) ke China

    China will make concerted efforts to cement bilateral exchanges and cooperation with Indonesia to ""pass the friendship from generation to generation"", Chinese top advisor Jia Qinglin said on June 23. Jia made the remark in his meeting with Megawati Soekarnoputri, Chairwoman of the Indonesian Democratic Party. "The establishment of a strategic partnership between the two nations last year showed that bilateral relations have advanced to a new stage,"
  • Dialog Tang Jiaxuan dan Widodo Sutjipto (Menkopolhukam)

    "China and Indonesia will make action plans to further step up bilateral cooperation in various fields, especially in anti-terrorism, and disaster prevention and relief, according to a meeting of vice premier level between the two countries. Chinese State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan and visiting Coordinating Minister for Political, Law and Security Affairs of Indonesia Widodo Sutjipto held the first meeting of the China-Indonesia dialogue mechanism of vice premier level here on Sunday.
  • MoU Kerjasama Energi

    "China and Indonesia signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) here on Saturday concerning cooperation in the energy and mineral resources sectors. Chinese Vice Premier Huang Ju and visiting Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono attended the signing ceremony held at the second Sino-Indonesian energy forum, which opened in Shanghai on Saturday.Win-win economic cooperation is the foundation of the strategic partnership between China and Indonesia, he said.
  • Kunjungan Presiden Yudhoyono ke China

    China and Indonesia should also work together to expand the two- way trade and mutual investment, and make more efforts to facilitate cooperation in the tourism industry, Wen added. Susilo said the establishment of the Indonesia-China strategic partnership had boosted the two sides' all-round cooperation in various sectors. Indonesia hopes to expand cooperation with China in the fields like investment, trade, energy and tourism, and welcomes China to participate in infrastructure."
  • Kesepakatan Kerjasama Anti-Korupsi

    China and Indonesia have agreed seek closer exchanges and cooperation between their anti-corruption agents. The consensus was reached between He Yong, deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and Tauflequrachman Ruki. He said China is ready to further boost Sino-Indonesia strategic partnership and increase exchanges and cooperation in various fields including combating corruption.
  • Kunjungan Jusuf Kalla ke China

    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met with Indonesian Vice President Yusuf Kalla here Friday, calling for expanding cooperation between the two countries. Speaking positively of the China-Indonesia relations, Wen said he hopes the two sides could work out an action plan on their strategic partnership at an early date, to make a comprehensive and systematic plan for cooperation in all fields.
  • Kerjasama Kebudayaan Disepakati Indonesia-China

    China and Indonesia will cooperate in heritage development and preservation, cultural ministers of the two countries said here Wednesday. After meeting President Yudhoyono, Jero Wacik, Sun Jiazhen told a press conference that the relationship of the two countries was very strong and was supported by culture sector. Minister Sun said that it was decided that the two countries would further strengthen cultural cooperation under the strategic partnership.
  • Kunjungan Menlu China, Yang Jiechi, ke Indonesia

    After meeting with President Yudhoyono, new Chinese foreign minister Yang Jiechi successfully ended his first official visit. He had deep discussions and built up relations with Indonesian leaders, including President Yudhoyono, Hassan Wirayuda, Widodo Sutjipto. Susilo said Indonesia is expecting to strengthen strategic partnership
    relations with China in the fields of politics, foreign affairs, economy and trade, science and technology, energy,and culture.
  • Kesepakatan Pertahanan Indonesia-China

    The agreement was signed after Cao and Juwono held talks at the Chinese Defense Ministry. Cao told Juwono during their talks that China is ready to work together with Indonesia to promote the comprehensive development of relations between the two countries. Cao hailed the continuous development of friendly cooperation. Juwono said Indonesia attaches great importance to the strategic partnership with China and hopes to deepen cooperation in various fields.
  • Kunjungan Li Keqiang (Vice Premier) ke Indonesia

    During his visit, Li is expected to meet Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, hold talks with Kalla, attend a China- Indonesia energy forum, and have extensive contacts with representatives from various Indonesian communities to exchange views on the bilateral relations and other regional and international issues of common concern.
  • Peresmian Plan of Action

    "The second meeting of China- Indonesia dialogue mechanism at Vice Prime Minister level opened here on Thursday, co-chaired by China's State Councilor Dai Bingguo and Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Political, Law and Security Affairs Djoko Suyanto. The two sides are both satisfied with the development of China- Indonesia relationship, and agreed to further improve their strategic cooperation."
  • Rencana Pembentukan Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

    The governments of Indonesia and China will boost bilateral relations from strategic partnership to comprehensive partnership during President Xi Jinping`s visit to Jakarta in October 2013. The statement was issued by Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Djoko Suyanto at the Presidential Office on Thursday, after accompanying President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to receive Member of the Chinese State Council Yang Jieji and his entourage.
  • Penandatanganan Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

    "Indonesia-China agree to continuously increase bilateral strategic
    partnership, which has been going on for eight years since it was signed in 2005. This was conveyed by Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in the meeting with the President of the People's Republic of China (RRT) Xi Jinping in the Merdeka Palace.