200px indonesian culture


  • Dutch East Indies

  • Youth Conference

  • Japan Invasion

  • Declaration of Independence

  • Dutch Recognized Independence

  • Maluku declares independence

  • West Papua Transfer to Indonesia

  • Failed Coup

  • General Suharto becomes president

  • West Papua becomes Irian Jaya Province

  • East Timor Independence

  • US becomes bigest oil customer

  • BJ Habibie becomes state minister for research and technology

  • Muslim Protests at Tanjung Priok

  • Government require everyone to adopt Pancasila

  • Suharto elected for 5th term

  • Free Aceh Movement Reemerges

  • Killings in East timor

  • Suharto's 6th term in office

  • Free Papua Movement/Kidnappings

  • Asian Economic Crisis

  • Habibie becomes President

  • Ethnic Violence in Maluku/East Timor vote for independence

  • Financial Scandals

  • Ethnic Violence in Kalimantan

  • Megawati Sukarnoputri becomes President

  • Inaugurates humane rights court

  • East Timor becomes independent

  • Consitiutional changes

  • Bomb attack/Celric Abu Bakar Baasyir arrested

  • Peace Deal signed in Geneva

  • Military against Gam rebels

  • Car Bomb-Marriott Hotel

  • Bali Bombing suspets found guilty

  • Parliamentary & Local Elections

  • 1st Direct Presidential Elections

  • Car Bomb-Australian Embassy

  • End of two year process

  • Tsunami

  • Abu Bakar Ba'asyir found guilty

  • Peace Deal Signed

  • Airliner Crashes

  • 3 Suicide Bombers

  • East Timorese Accusations

  • Protests @ US Gold & Copper mine

  • Earthquake & tsunami- Java

  • 1st Elections in Aceh province

  • Capture of millitant group leaders

  • East Timor Urges Indonesia to Apologise

  • Pushing a single state for Muslim World

  • JI leader on Trial

  • Suharto Dies

  • 2002 Bali bombing suspects convicted

  • Yudhoyono's Democrat Party becomes strongest party

  • Yudhoyono wins Election

  • Noordin Mohammad Top shot dead

  • 14 men charged for terrorist acts

  • Dulmatin shot dead

  • Military Men torturing Papuan villagers was announced

  • President Barack Obama visits

  • Muslim Protesters

  • Abu Bakar Ba'asyir sentencing decided

  • Umar Patek extradited from Pakistan

  • International Crisis Group warns of Muslim & Christian clashes

  • Pay Deal ends & Dutch Apologises