European Settlers
Fur Trade - Hudson’s Bay Company
Eastern “Canada”
Death by Disease
First Nations -
Period: to
Seven Years War
British(won) vs. French -
Royal Proclamation
Destruction of Bison
From 30 million to 1000 bison -
Reserve System
Mohawk Residential School
Gradual Civilization Act
Gradual Enfranchisement Act
Period: to
Numbered Treaties
Indian Act
First Nations Only -
CPR Railway
1881-1885 -
Establishes Residential School System
For First Nations -
Ban Potlatches and Cultural Ceremonies/ Belongings
Agreemene between Canadian gov. and Churches to run residential schools
Dr. Bryce
Wrote a report on residential school but was fired because the Canadian gov. didn't want the true to be exposed -
Period: to
Residential Schools became mandatory for FN children up to age 16
Period: to
Residential School for Inuit
Canada selectively ratifies UN Convention
Indigenous People have the right to vote
Civil Rights Movements
Residential Schools start closing -
60s Scoop
Indigenous children were put in foster care to be adopted by white Canadians -
"White Paper"
Pierre Eliott Trudeau -
"Red Paper"
Introduced by Indigenous people in place of the Indian Act although nothing was settled so the Indian Act remains in place to this day -
Period: to
Churches began apologizing
except the Catholic Church -
Royal Commission on Indigenous Peoples -
RCAP releases report
last residential school closes -
Creation of Nunavut
Survivors of IRS launches a lawsuit
Lawsuit is settled
Truth and Reconciliation Commission formed
Stephen Harper "apologizes"
TRC creates 94 calls to action
Indigenous People have
- highest suicide rates
- highest incarceration rates -
Settlement for 60s scoop survivors
Trudeau announces new "framework' for Indigenous Issues