Indigenous Study Timeline

  • 1500

    European Settlers

    -Fur trade
    -Death by disease
  • Period: 1500 to

    Indigenous Timeline

  • Seven Year War

    British vs French
    Both teamed up with First Nation
    War ended in 1763
  • Royal Proclamation

  • Destruction of Bison

    Bison population went from 1 million to 1000
  • Reserve System

  • Mohawk Residential School

  • Gradual Civilization Act

  • Confederation

    Canada 150
  • Gradual Enfranchisement Act

  • Numbered Treaties

  • Indian Act

    (First Nation Only)
  • CPR Railway

  • Establishes Residential School Systems

  • Ban cultural potlucks and belongings

  • Agreement between Canadian gov and churches to run residential schools

  • Dr. Bryce

  • World War 1

  • Residential Schools mandatory for First Nations children up to age 16

  • World War 2

  • Residential Schools for Inuit

  • Canada Selectively Ratifies UN convention

  • Indigenous people have the right to vote

  • Civil Rights moment

    Residential schools start closing
  • 60's scoop

  • White Paper

    Justin Trudeau's dad proposed this
  • Red Paper

  • Churches apologize about residential schools

  • RCAP (Royal Commission on Indigenous people

  • RCAP releases reports

  • Creation of Nunavut

  • Lawsuit filed by residential schools survivors

  • Settled lawsuit

  • Truth and Reconciliation Commision

  • PM Stephen Harper 'apologizes'

  • TRC release the report

    94 calls to action
  • Settlement to 60s scoop survivors

  • Justin Trudeau announces a 'framework' to work with indigenous people