Period: 1500 to
Sixteenth Century
The first contact between Europeans and Indigenous people's resulted in diseases such as smallpox.The Europeans had built up immune systems to these diseases and the Indigenous had not, resulting in the death of millions. -
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Seventeenth Century
From the sixteen hundreds to seventeen hundred a lot happened in between Europeans and Indigenous. The French made Christian Missionary Schools and the Hudson Bay company started the fur trade. The beavers were almost hunted to extinction. -
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Eighteenth Century
A lot happened in between 1700 and 1800 which majorly affected the future of Canada. A major event was the 7 year war in between Great Britain and France that lasted from 1756 - 1763, this war resulted in the victory of the British. After the war, the British government made the royal proclamation. This was issued by King George III to proclaim land for the British people in North America. In the year of 1800 the British started hunting Bison's nearly making them extinct. -
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Nineteenth Century
After closing down the Indigenous peoples's Walmart (Over hunting the Bison) the British decided to make reserve systems where only Indigenous could live. To make living stages worse for the Indigenous peoples the British decided to open residential schools for Indigenous children. In 1857 a new bill was passed known as the gradual civilization act, following 10 years later we had Confederation Day (Canada Day). Following we had many acts such as the Gradual Enfranchisement Act and Treaties. -
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Nineteenth Century P3.........
From 1881 to 1885 the CPR was built and in 1884 Indigenous potlatch and ceremonies were banned.Finally in 1892 Canadian government made agreements with churches regarding Residential Schools. -
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Nineteenth Century Continued....
After closing up the Indigenous peoples Walmart, restricting them to certain lands in their own country, forcefully taking their children to destroy their culture, the government decided to introduce treaties with Indigenous peoples to take their land. There were new treaties being introduced from 1871-1921. Following The Government put "The Indian Act" into order, which controlled status, reserve systems and Indigenous peoples themselves. -
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Twentieth Century Continued.....
In 1964, the Canadian Government expands schools for Inuit children. Lastly in the year 1969 Pierre Trudeau comes up with "The White Paper," which basically told the Indigenous peoples to forget what happened and move on, the Indigenous finally retaliated and said "No" and instead came up with "The Red Paper" which asked for self-governance and for the return of land titles. -
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Twentieth Century....
In 1907, Dr,Bryce (inspector) calls out the government for residential schools being cruel which was simply ignored. 1920, Residential schools become mandatory resulting in kidnapping of Indigenous children. 1951, The government decides to make residential schools for Inuit children, and the following year they selectively ratify the UN agreement on Genocide. In 1960 Indigenous peoples get the right to vote and 20,000 Indigenous children are taken from parents and put into foster care.