Sepoy Rebellion
People heard that the guns they had been given were greased with either beef or pork fat. This started an outrage because in Hinduism it is frowned upon to harm cows and in the Muslim religion it is frowned upon to do anything with pork. (World Cultures pg. 196) This was an important part in indias history because this was the first time that the hidus and the muslims first started fighting. This led on into later years when the muslims went to Pakistan and the hindus stayed in India. -
Period: to
Indias History
British Take over
The British govenment took over and made India one of their colonies. In turn they sent the Mughal emperor to exile. And Queen Victoria of England took over as epress of India. ( World Cultures pg. 196) This part in Indias history was important becasue this is the main turing point from where things in India got worse. During this period lots of Indians lost a lot of their rights and times got harder. This also led to the start of civil disobedience which is what eventually led India to be free -
Lala Lajpat Rai born
Author and polotition Lala Lajpat Rai was born. He was chiefly remembered as a leader in the Indian Fight for independence from the British. People in India celebrate a day every year for him called Martins day. (http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Lala_Lajpat_Rai April 10) Rai was an important part of Indias history for many reasons. One reason was he was one of the main people to fight for independence for India. Also he was important because -
Indian National Congress created
The Indian National Congress was created. It is one of the two major political parties in India. It is also one of the oldest in the world. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_of_Bengal_(1905) April 11) Image of India National Congress symbol. This was an imprtant part of Indias history becasue it is one of the main branches of their government that still lasts today. This part of the governmenrt makes a lot of big decisions ehich is important for the country. -
Partition of Bengal
The Partition of Bengal was announced in July of 1905. It separated highly populated areas of Musloms from highly populated areas of Hindus. (hhtp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_of_Bengal_(1905) April 11) This was important becasue it was another time that showed that the Hindus and the Muslims did not get along. The Partion of Bengal tried to separate the two religions but also took away many rights for other people. -
Muslim League Formed
The Muslim League was a political party which advocated the creation of a separate Muslim-majority nation of Pakistan. (http://wikipedia.org/wiki/All-India_Muslim_League april 11) This was important in Indias History because it was the first big move that Muslims made to be separate from Hindus. It was also improtant because it made Pakistan into a Muslim run country. -
Indian Councils Act
Also known as the Morely-Minto reforms was an act by the UK that put limited the involvement of Indians by the British in government. The Indian Councils Act was important because it went against what all the Indians wanted which was to have more control in the government. This was a huge step back for many Indians and they wnted this to be repealed as soon as possible. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Councils_Act_1909 April 11 -
Cancellation of the Partition of Bengal
Because there was separation all of the minorities were treated differently. This was an unfair treatment and many people were outraged so they canceled the Partition of Bengal. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_of_Bengal_(1905) April 11) This was important becasue it put large numbers of Hindus back arounf large numbers of Muslims. This gave rights back to the people but also started some more violence between the two religions. -
cancelation of the Partition of Bengal
Lucknow Pact
The Lucknow Pact was an agreement between the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League. This was to help force Britain into taking a more liberal approach in governing them. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucknow_Pact April 11) This is a picture of Lucknow in front of the National Indian Congress flag This was important because it was the first big step indians took towards being free (http://www.greaterkashmir.com/news/2010/dec/25/commemorating-jinnah-on-his-134th-birthday-14.asp april 20) -
Rowlatt Act
The Rowlatt Act was enacted during the First World War to control public unrest and root out any conspiracies. It was named after Sir Sidney Rowlatt. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rowlatt_Act April 11) This is a picture of Sir Sidney Rowlatt (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney_Rowlatt April 20) This was imprtant becasue it was Britains attempt to stop Indains from thinking about indepence from Britain. But it did the opposite. -
Simon Comission
The Simon Commission was a group of British members of parliament that were sent to India to study reforms of their national dependency. It was later taken away after Indians won independence. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Commission April 11) This is a picture of a sign people made to protest against the British decision (http://www.google.com/imgres?q=simon+commission&safe=active&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=657&tbm=isch&tbnid=-LSBq2ey9c7qYM:&imgrefurl=http://www.juliushonnor.com/catalyst/Default -
Simon Comission
This was imprtant because it was the first sign that Britain felt like it was losing cointrol of India. It also showed that they did not have as much control becasue the act was taken away later. -
Salt March
It was a march led by Ghandi that was caused by the outrageous taxes put on salt for Indians. However it did not change much thought from the British. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_Satyagraha April 11) This was important because it was the first big civil disobedience that a big part of India participated in. This also showed that civil disobedience did work. -
Salt March
Picture ( https://sites.google.com/site/indianindependence321/nonviolence April 23) -
Poona Pact
It was a pact to write up a new constitution for the self rule of the Indian government. Ghandi did not come to the first meeting but came to the second. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poona_Pact April 11) This was important becasue it was a major step in becoming independent by writing their on constitution. Picture ( http://www.indianetzone.com/15/the_poona_pact.htmhttp://www.indianetzone.com/15/the_poona_pact.htm April 23) -
Poona Pact
This is a picture of one of the biggest contributors of the Poona Pact that worked with Ghandi. Picture ( http://www.indianetzone.com/15/the_poona_pact.htm) -
Quit India Act
Was a civil disobedience movement launched in response to Ghandi calling for independence. The British however refused to grant independence so early. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quit_India_Movement April 11) This was the first time India actually went to Britain for independence. Although it did not work it showed that Indai was serious. -
Quit India Act
This is a picture of people in India protesting against the British government. Picture ( http://www.golkondadaily.com/education/4231-appsc-indian-national-movement) -
India Independence Act
Was an act created by the UK that got rid of British control in India and turned it into two separate nations of India and Pakistan. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Independence_Act_1947 April 11) This was the most important time in history because they were finally free form Britain. It was all uphill from there so they thought. Picture ( http://paperpkads.com/sms/index.php/category/independence-day-sms/india-independence-day/)