Indian Ocean Trading

  • 3000 BCE


    people traveled by canoes and rafts to go from towns to trading ports
  • 2000 BCE

    Silk Road

    Maritime trading system's rival
  • 700 BCE

    Islam Religion Trading

    Traded through Indian Ocean - 700 CEs
  • 550 BCE

    Achaemenid Empire

    Involved in Indian Ocean Trade
  • 500 BCE

    Greek and Roman sailors enter the trading in the Indian Ocean

    Ceramics, wine, gold, and glassware were traded
  • 324 BCE

    Mauryan Empire

    Involved in Indian Ocean Trade
  • 202 BCE

    Han Dynasty

    Involved in Indian Ocean Trade
  • 33 BCE

    Roman Empire

    Involved in Indian Ocean Empire
  • 20 BCE

    Religious Trading

    Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism
  • 7

    Srivijaya Empire

    7th-13th centuries CE
    taxed trading vessels that moved through Malacca Straits
  • 78

    The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea

    first century merchant created a guide to travel and trade in the Indian Ocean
  • 400

    Trade Flourished

    Medieval Era (400-1450 CE)
  • 800

    Angkor civilization

    used Mekong River as a way to get to Indian Ocean trade network
  • 1279

    Chola Empire

    3rd century BCE-1279 CE
    extreme wealth and luxury, travelers were impressed
  • 1405

    Yongle Emperor

    sent first of seven expeditions to visit all of the main trading partners around the Indian Ocean
  • 1498

    Portuguese sailors appeared

    eager to join in the trading, however they couldnt so they entered the sea as pirates and seized many ports
    viewed muslims as enemy
  • Dutch East India Company (VOC)

    ruthless european power
    monopoly on nutmeg and mace
  • British East India Company

    challenged the VOC for control of the trade routes