• 3000 BCE

    1st Interactions

    Travelers in small canoes and rafts moved between towns and trading ports along coastlines from Arabia to Indian subcontinent
  • 2000 BCE

    Trade between Harappa and Mesopotomia

    Millet and Sorghum grains imported from the East African Coast, this was part of the Harappa Civilization cuisine that stretched as far as Pakistan today and Northern India
  • 1000 BCE

    1000-Iron is known in western Asia,Southeastern Europe and North Africa.

  • 510 BCE

    Scylax of Caryand

    Exploration voyage for riches of India and discover the mouth of Indus River .Scylax was famous for his voyage and brought news of these regions encouraged trade expeditions. Scylax wrote a handbook for mariners.
  • 500 BCE

    Greek Roman Sailors

    Enter the Indian Ocean- Traded ceramic, glassware, wine ,gold, olive oil
  • 465 BCE

    465 BCE Admiral Hanno Of carthage explores the west african coast

  • 326 BCE

    326 BCE Nearchus

    A naval officer for Alexander the Great who led his fleet from the Indian river to the Persian golf
  • 323 BCE

    323 BCE Network

    Sea-lanes joined Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean into one network. India traded spices' and pepper, Persia and Egypt traded grain.
  • 323 BCE

    323 BCE

    323 BCE
    Ptolemais learned about monsoon system in Indian Ocean. Travel with Monsoon winds April- Sept. Nov- Feb
  • 118 BCE

    118 BCE Exodus of Cyzicus

    Greek Explorer who traveled the monsoon wind system of the Indian Ocean bringing back cargo of precious stones and aromatic. His second trip was a failure as he disappeared on the return voyage
  • 78

    78 The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea

    A guide to travel and trade in the Indian Ocean by a 1st Century Merchant