
Indian Ocean Trade Timeline

  • 3000 BCE

    Early Travelling

    Early Travelling
    started on small rafts and canoes
  • 1900 BCE

    Trading between Harappa and Mesopotamia

    Trading between Harappa and Mesopotamia
    grains traded from the eastern coast of Africa
  • 1760 BCE

    Cotton Trading

    Cotton Trading
    India invents cotton textiles and begins trading it
  • 700 BCE


    Controlled African gold and ivory trade
  • 600 BCE

    Iron Metallurgy travels to China

    Iron Metallurgy travels to China
    Iron Metallurgy was increased during the Zhou dynasty.
  • 600 BCE


    a sailing vessel from Arab countries that helped transport merchandise
  • 600 BCE

    Trade Networks

    Trade Networks
    Three different trade routes during this time period, The Silk Road, the trade across the Indian Ocean, and Saharan trade.
  • 500 BCE

    Rome and Greece

    Rome and Greece
    trading glass, wine, gold, and olive oil
  • 465 BCE

    Exploring West Coast of Africa

    Exploring West Coast of Africa
    Hanno of Carthage sets off to explore the west coast of Africa and he was looking for new trading routes.
  • 323 BCE

    Sea lanes

    Sea lanes
    Asia, Africa, and Mediterranean join into one network, trading spices, grain, wine, and oil
  • 208 BCE

    Magnetic Compass

    Magnetic Compass
    China invents larger boats and magnetic compass to increase trade
  • 45

    Apostle Paul travels to Mediterrian

    Apostle Paul travels to Mediterrian
    Spreads Christianity
  • 118

    Eudoxus of Cyzicus

    Eudoxus of Cyzicus
    Used the monsoon winds to trade stones and aromatics
  • 284

    Roman Empire Splits

    Roman Empire Splits
    The eastern Rome was able to become stable while the western collapsed
  • 541

    Justinian Plague

    Justinian Plague
    in Rome and the Mediterranean regions
  • 618

    Tang Dynasty

    Tang Dynasty
    began construction of the Grand Canal which lead to great trade in China and the spread of religion
  • 640

    Arabs into Egypt

    Arabs into Egypt
    Arabs invade Egypt and take control of large ports like Alexandria
  • 900

    Sawhili Civilzation

    Sawhili Civilzation
    competed for dominance in trade routes
  • 960

    Song Dynasty

    Song Dynasty
    created a Navy to keep piracy away from their ships
  • 1340


    Bubonic Plague spreading through flies