1200 BCE
Event 1
The Indian Trade search began searching for new places to trade with in the 14th and 15th century. Places such as India, China, South East Asia and many more countries. -
1000 BCE
Event 4
Trade became safer and cheaper during the monsoon market time frame thanks to the Mongols. -
1000 BCE
Event 3
The Indian Trade Route truly kick started in this time frame as well. -
1000 BCE
Event 2
April to September Monsoon Hits November to February Monsoon Hits -
700 BCE
Event 5
Monsoon Markets became the Ideal Trading of the Indian Ocean Route -
661 BCE
Event 6
The rise of the Umayyad and Abbasid provided a western node for the trade routes, just like a little push to get started. -
600 BCE
Event 7
Buddhism spread from India to China and other parts of Asia at the end of this century. -
Event 8
Merchants and Nobles had a relationship during the Indian Trade Route, until 1339. A new ruler takes over, Coterani. -
Event 9
Also, in this time frame the Swahili States became a world economic power -
Event 10
Yongle Emperor ordered the construction of huge fleet ships capable of traveling the Indian Ocean. -
Event 11
The Yongle Emperor sent out the first seven expeditions to visit the empire's major trading partners around the Indian Ocean. -
Event 12
Zheng He sailed seven voages, here is one of his trade routes. Hormuz 1413 to 1415 -
Event 13
Zheng He commanded all seven voyages from 1405-1432 to the Indian Ocean route. -
Event 14
New mariners made their first appearance on the Indian Ocean. -
Event 15
The Portuguese entered the Indian Ocean trade as pirates rather than traders. -
Event 16
Portuguese Captain Vasco Da Gama discovered new cities such as Sofala, Kilwa, and Mombasa, before sailing up the Eastern Coast of Africa. -
Event 17
Vasco Da Gama returned back to Portugal to inform his King and Queen of all the resources he had found along the East Coast of Africa. -
Event 18
Diseases such as the Black Plague and small pox start attacking the Muslim people after trading through the Indian Ocean Route. -
Event 19
The Dutch East India Company appeared in the Indian Ocean. -
Event 20
The British challenged the Dutch for the control of the trade routes on the Indian Ocean.