Indian Ocean Trade - Classical Era

  • 1000 BCE


    Bananas were introduced to China at some point in the Classical era but were also found in other parts of southeast Asia, as well as India, and Africa
  • 1000 BCE

    Sugar Cane

    Sugar was largely considered a luxury, used as both as a sweetener in foods and sometimes as a medicine. Originated in southeast Asia.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 300

    Classical Era

  • Period: 1000 BCE to 300


    A trade hub located in what is now Cambodia, Vyadhapura acted as a stopping point for traders from India, China, and other Western Asian civilizations.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 300


    A port town on the western coast of India. Commonly exported gems, textiles, medicines, and herbs.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 300

    Navigation by Polaris

    Phoenician Sailors used Polaris, also known at the North Star, to navigate the oceans. I couldn't find an exact date for the emergence of this technology.
  • 700 BCE

    Indigo Dye

    A dye used in fabrics and other artistic pursuits. Created by fermenting the Indigo flower, it was traded in China, Rome, Greece, Babylon, and India.
  • 600 BCE


    Silk manufacturing and its export helped to catapult Chinas trade value. It was prized by the Indians, Romans, and the Kingdoms of the Middle East.
  • Period: 550 BCE to 486

    Darius I

    Darius the Great was the third ruler of the Persian Empire. He built trade roads that spanned from the westernmost point of the Persian Empire to the easternmost point.
  • Period: 515 BCE to 510 BCE

    Scylax's Voyage

    Sailed the Indian Ocean at the command of Darius I, who wished to discover the mouth of the Indus River and commence in trade with India
  • 500 BCE

    Iron and Bronze Working

    The Qin dynasty experimented with Iron and bronze working, to create better tools and weapons.
  • 500 BCE

    Cinnomon and Cassia

    Spices derived from the bark of trees. Cinnamon Probably originated in Sri Lanka and Cassia is native to China.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 100 BCE

    Development of Camel Saddles

    Used to ease the stress of riding one-humped camels.
  • 206 BCE


    The dried flowers of the clove tree. used in medicine and cooking. In China, they were often used as breath fresheners, especially when talking to the king.
  • 106 BCE

    Zhang Qian

    An early explorer of what came to be known as the silk road. By 106 BCE, his routes became commonly traveled along the silk road.
  • 100 BCE


    A spice derived from peppercorns. was largely traded during the spice trade.
  • Period: 100 BCE to 100

    Spice Trade flourishes

  • 100


    Pearls were commonly used in Roman jewelry, among other luxuries such as gold and precious stones.
  • 332

    Founding of Alexandria

    International Trade hub founded by Alexander the great. Facilitated trade between the Africas and the Mediterranean.