3000 BCE
Travelers would travel in small canoes and rafts (these canoes had triangular shaped sails) that moved between towns and trading grounds along the costliness of Arabia to the subcontinent of India. -
1900 BCE
Harappan Cilvilization
2,000- 1,900 BCE: Millet and Sorghum (which are grains that were imported from East African Coast) became a part of the cuisine of the Harappan Civilization. The Harappan Civilization had stretched across what is known as today's Pakistan and Northern India. -
1760 BCE
Cotton Textiles
2,300- 1,760 BCE: During this time India had produced and traded cotton textiles which had replaced wool clothing that was worn in most countries. -
600 BCE
The Dhow Sailing Vessel
600 BCE-600: The dhow was a sailing vessel that was utilized during trade expeditions in order to transport merchandise. When these dhow sailing vessel were combined with a la teen sail; it created a more efficient mode for transport. -
500 BCE
Trade Items
The trade that was occurring were for products like Ceramics, Glassware, Wine, Gold and Olive Oil. -
326 BCE
Navel Officer that Travels
There was an navel officer for Alexander the Great who had led his army from the Indian River to the Persian Gulf -
323 BCE
Item Trade
The Indian trade had expanded with spices and pepper. The Persia and Egypt trade had expanded with grain and the Mediterranean trade had expanded with wine and oil. -
323 BCE
Ptolemies had discovered about the Monsoon system in the Indian Ocean which occurs twice a year -
300 BCE
This was the time before the Europeans had "discovered" the Indian Ocean. it's trade. Which at the time the trades were only going through Arabia, Gujarat, and other Coastal Areas. -
300 BCE
Extending East Asia
The Indian Ocean Trade had extended (like a web) linking routes along Eat Asia -
118 BCE
A Greek Explorer
There was a Greek explorer who had traveled the monsoon wind system of the Indian Ocean in which he would bring back cargo ships of precious stones and aromatics. On second trip, while he was returning back, he ended up not making back home. -
Indian Ocean Trade Guide
A guide of the Indian Ocean Trade was made by a first century merchant -
Indian Ocean Trade Routes
By this time Indian Ocean Trade Routes had expanded throughout Southeast Asia, India, Arabia, and East Africa. -
More than just goods
Around this time people were not just trading goods they were also trading religious thought like Buddhism, Hinduism and Juddism. These religious thought was spread throughout India and Southeast Asia. -
More Items
The domestication of the animals like camel's helped influenced the coastal trade to advance by bring goods suck as Silk, Porcelain, Spices, Slaves, Incense and Ivory. -
Medieval Era
During the Medieval era the Indian Ocean Trade had flourished. During the upcoming up the Umayyed and Abbasid Dynasty Caliphates on the Arabian Peninsula had provided a powerful western node for the Indian Ocean trade routes. Islam had valued merchants and there were healthy Muslims cities had created a huge demand for luxury goods. -
Tang and Song Dynasties
During this time, the Tang and Song Dynasties in china also emphasized trade and industry. They developed a strong had trade ties along the silk roads and also had encouraged maritime trade. The Song rulers had created a powerful imperial navy on the eastern end of the route. -
Sririjiya Empire
The Sririjiya Empire (which is now Indonesia) had became popular due to the taxing of trading vessels that moved through the narrow Malacca Straits. Even Angkor, the city capital, the base for inland in the Khmer heartland of Cambodia. Used to help the Mekong River as a "highway" that was tied within the Indian Ocean Trade Network. -
China's Trade
During this time China had allowed foreign traders to come to their country. At this time everyone had wanted China's goods and the foreigners were willing to take the time plus, the trouble of visiting the Coast of China. Foreigners take Silk, Porcelain, and other items. The New Ming Dynasty sent out the first (of seven expeditions) to visit the empires major trading partners around the Indian Ocean. -
Travelers from Portuguese
New Mariners (the people that report to the emperor started to make their first appearance in the Indian Ocean Trade. Plus, during this time the Portuguese were eager to start joining the Indian Trade since Europe did not have anything to trade. Portuguese sailors would sail around the southern point of Africa. In addition, the people that were in the Indian Ocean Trade unit no longer had a need to wear wool or other types of fur for clothing, Iron cooking pots, or other products for Europe. -
Portuguese Attack
When the Portuguese did enter the Indian Ocean Trade they did not enter as traders but, as Pirates instead. They used cannons to try and take over the city like the city Calicut on the Indians Wet Coast and Maccau which is in southern China. Once the Portuguese had gotten into the city they began to rob, extort local producers and foreign merchant ships that happened to look alike. -
European Powers
European powers have appeared their way to the Indian Ocean: The Dutch East India Company. They decided to do things differently than the way the Portuguese and did not insinuate themselves in to the exiting trade pattern. The dutch saw a total monopoly on the lucrative spices like nutmeg and mace. -
The British East India Comapny
The British had joined in with their British East India Company and this has challenged the VOC (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie) because the British wanted control of the trade routes. As a result the European powers had established political control in parts of Asia, Indonesia, India, Malaya, and much of Southeast Asia. The Europeans had turned these ports into colonies and reciprocal trade. -
The end of the Indian Ocean Trade
During this time, the goods have started to increasingly move into and throughout Europe while the former Asian trading empires had started to grow poorer and collapsed. This is when the 2,000 year-old Indian Ocean Trade Network was crippled and started to get completely destroyed.