Indian Ocean History

  • 4000 BCE

    Millet, Teff, and Sorghum

    Millet, Teff, and Sorghum
    They are grains capable of growing in dry conditions that are very high in nutrients. Spread across the Indian Ocean in migration.
  • 1000 BCE


    Iron metallurgy is known in Western Asia, Southeastern Europe, and North Africa.
    Aryan people begin to settle in India.
    King David declares Jerusalem as the capital of his city.
  • 1000 BCE

    Sugar Cane

    Sugar Cane
    Sugar Cane reached India and became known as a luxury for cooking and sweetening. Over the next few centuries sugar spread widely amongst conquest and migration.
  • Period: 858 BCE to 824 BCE

    King Shalamaneser lll

    King Shalamaneser lll rules Assyria
  • 835 BCE

    Obelisk of Shalamaneser lll

    Obelisk of Shalamaneser lll
    Black limestone pillar by King Shalamaneser that is engraved with stories of military campaigns.
  • 800 BCE

    Nubian Kingdom

    Nubian Kingdom
    Rise of the Nubian Kingdom at a Napata. Nubia dominates Egypt from 712-660 BCE.
  • 771 BCE

    Zhou Kingdom

    Zhou Kingdom
    Zhou kingdom ends in China
  • Period: 610 BCE to 595 BCE

    Pharaoh Necho II

    Pharaoh Necho II ruled Egypt
  • 609 BCE

    Canal connecting the Nile and Red Sea

    Canal connecting the Nile and Red Sea
    Pharaoh Necho of Egypt created a canal that connected the Nile River to the Red Sea, improving trade with the Indian Ocean.
  • 600 BCE

    Iron Metallurgy in China

    Iron Metallurgy in China
    Iron metallurgy in known in China.
  • Period: 563 BCE to 483 BCE


    Beginning of Buddhism as a religion.
  • Period: 551 BCE to 479 BCE


    Life of Confucius in China. Beginning of Confucianism.
  • Period: 522 BCE to 446 BCE

    Darius l

    Darius I rules the Persian Empire
  • 507 BCE

    Roman Republic

    Roman Republic
    The Roman Republic begins.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 100 BCE

    Camel Saddle

    Developed in Northern Arabia was the camel saddle.
  • Period: 477 BCE to 404 BCE

    Athenian Empire

    Athenian Empire in Greece, and the Age of Pericles from the end of the Persian Wars in 448 BCE to the death of Pericles 329 BCE. Trial and death of Socrates in 399 BCE
  • 465 BCE


    Hanno explores the West African Coast
  • 450 BCE

    Writing System

    Writing System
    A writing system developed by the Phoenicians was later passed onto the Greeks.
  • Period: 400 BCE to 300 BCE

    Kingdom of Meroe

    Kingdom of Meroe in Numbia
  • 356 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great
    Alexander the Great was born in Macedonia.
  • 336 BCE

    King of Ancient Greek

    King of Ancient Greek
    Alexander the Great became King of Ancient Greek
  • Period: 334 BCE to 323 BCE

    Hellenistic Period

    Alexander the Great conquers West Asia and begins the Hellenistic period.
  • 332 BCE

    Alexandria was founded

    Alexandria was founded
    Alexandria was founded by the Macedonian conquerer. Remained the capital of Egypt and was the center for international trade due to its ideal location along both the Mediterranean Sea and the Nile River.
  • 323 BCE

    Death of Alexander the Great

    Death of Alexander the Great
    Alexander the Great dies from a fever.
  • Period: 323 BCE to 30 BCE

    Ptolemaic Kings

    Ptolemaic kings rule Egypt
  • 275 BCE


    Egyptian port city located on the Red Sea that was a major center of international trade . It was used for importing African elephants from Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia. The city exchanged goods like cloth, pottery, beads, wood, and bamboo with India.
  • Period: 224 BCE to 651 BCE

    Sassanid Empire

    Sassanid Empire rules in Persia until the defeat of Chosroes by the Arab Muslims
  • Period: 206 BCE to 220 BCE

    Han Dynasty

    Han Dynasty Rules in China
  • Period: 206 BCE to 220 BCE


    Court officials kept Cloves in their mouth when talking to the King to ensure their breath was sweet. Highly desired, cloves were traded along routes from China and Europe
  • Period: 206 BCE to 23 BCE

    Chhien Han Shu

    A group of texts that comes from a series of rulers known as the Han Dynsasty. The texts discuss trade with Iran and the South Seas. It talks about the voyages, goods exchanged, the recruitment of sailors, and the dangers of sea travel.
  • Period: 200 BCE to 150 BCE

    Egyptian Faience Bowl

    Brightly colored bowl made for funerals or rituals in a faience workshop.
  • 106 BCE

    Silk Road

    Silk Road
    Zhang Qian traveled and shared his discoveries. They later names the path he took the Silk Road.
  • Period: 100 BCE to 200 BCE


    Ideal trade were pearls since they took up little space and could be used for jewelry or decoration. They were even sometimes crushed up for medicine.
  • Period: 50 BCE to 560 BCE


    Funan dominated Indochina and the Isthmus of Kra in Southeast Asia
  • Period: 45 BCE to 58 BCE

    Spread of Christianity

    Apostle Paul spread Christianity around the Mediterranean.
  • Period: 31 BCE to 14 BCE

    Caesar Augustus

    Caesar Augustus rules the Roman Empire
  • Period: 4 BCE to 30 BCE

    Jesus is born

    Birth of Jesus in Nazareth. Beginning of Christianity.
  • Period: 64 to 23

    Strabo the Geographer

    A geographer born in Greece who traveled to study the scholarships. he created maps that gives present day researchers an idea of what the people in the Mediterranean thought of land beyond theirs.