Indian Ocean

  • Period: 2800 BCE to 300


    Ubar was used for incense trade and sale.
  • 1550 BCE

    Phoenician Ships Invented

    Sturdy cargo ships designed to transport large amounts of trade good.
  • Period: 900 BCE to 15

    Jar Burials

    Jar burials were widely practiced. They are evidence of early voyage and migration.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 27 BCE

    Trade with Rome

    During Roman Empire, spices, myrrh, frankincencse, pearls and textiles were shipped through Berenike to Alexandria and Rome.
  • 609 BCE


    Canal connecting the Nile to the Red Sea was made to improve trade with Indian Ocean lands.
  • 500 BCE


    Hanno sailed around W. Africa and established several colonies along the Moroccan coast. He also established a trading post on a small island off the coast of Mauritania.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 100 BCE

    Camel Saddle

    Helped establish the livelihood for nomads.
  • Period: 323 BCE to 331 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander brought Greek art and culture into many lands and laid the foundation for cultural exchange.
  • 275 BCE


    Berenike was used as a harbor for importing African elephants from Sudan, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. Traded exclusively with India. They exchanged: cloth, pottery, beads, wood, and bamboo.
  • Period: 206 BCE to 200


    Cloves were considered a luxury good in China. It was an important part of trade and connected SouthEast Asia to the Asian mainland.
  • Period: 200 BCE to 150 BCE

    Egyptian Faience Bowl

    Exported particularly to Rome for spiritual rituals and sacrifice.
  • Period: 200 BCE to 101 BCE


    Was the a trade center on the SE coast of India. Important for trade with Rome.
  • Period: 130 BCE to 1453

    Silk Road

    Used for trade and money reflecting it's high value and importence. It connected the Mediterranean, Middle East, Central Asia, and China. It encoraged merchants to travel abroad and seek luxury goods like silk.
  • Period: 25 BCE to 1 BCE

    Isodorus of Carax

    Isodorus wrote several books documenting the georaphics of the vast region. This included overland trade routes and posts between the near east and Asia.
  • Period: 1 CE to 100


    Alexandria became the center of the trade route. It connected Rome, inner Africa, the deserts of the Arabian Peinsula, and Asia.
  • Period: 1 CE to 600

    Vyadhapura Capital Funan

    They had a system of canals and moats. Merchants from China, India, and Western and local Asia, met to do business.
  • 77

    Natural History Encyclopedia

    Natural History encyclopedia was written. It proved trade between the Roman Empire and the Arabian Peninsula. It was the most detaild Roman work ever produced. It was a major guide for scientists until the middle ages.
  • Period: 150 to 191

    Kushan Gold Coin

    These coins are an example of how trade resulted in the blending of religious and cultural ideas. These were based on the Roman coins.
  • 301


    A navigation device used by Arab navigators in the Indian Sea.
  • 301

    Navigation by Polaris

    A navigation tool where people followed constilations and the north star to get around.