Indian Ocean

  • 26,000 BCE

    New Technology

    New Technology
    Fired clay , figurines and vessels
  • Period: 26,000 BCE to

    Indian Ocean

  • 13,000 BCE

    More new technology

    Bow and arrows, spear throwers making hunting easier
  • 7000 BCE

    Agriculture experimenting

    Farming dated this date
  • 5000 BCE

    Mark of early civilization

    Villages and irrigation techniques
  • 3300 BCE


    Earliest writing system developed
  • 1550 BCE

    New Kingdom Period

    Egypt becomes wealthier then ever thanks to increased trade.
  • 1100 BCE

    The phoenicians

    Traders from eastern Mediterranean start to establish colonies in North Africa.
  • 600 BCE

    First Known disease

    Hansen's Disease
  • 522 BCE


    Rules Persia
  • 500

    Trade routes

    Route developed through the straits of Malacca connecting the Indian ocean with the south china sea.
  • 1064

    Pope Urban

    First crusade at clermont , series of invasions.
  • 1271

    Marco Polo

    Sails to Hormuz through the south china sea and Indian ocean.
  • 1486


    Becomes first to sail past southern tip of Africa
  • British

    Establish Trading Factory in Calcutta India
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution begins in Britain.
  • Fulton

    Steamboat created
  • Britain outlaw

    Outlaw of slave trade
  • Canal

    Suez canal opens
  • United States

    Builds Panama Canal