Indian Ocean

  • Period: 1500 BCE to 1000

    Polynesians Settle in Various Islands

    People of Austronesian descent, or from Philippines, Indonesia, and Southeast Asia, travel through the Indian and Pacific Ocean to visit and inhabit new lands such as New Zealand, becoming known as Polynesians.
  • 1000 BCE

    Sugar Cane

    Sugar cane originates in Southeast Asia, and throughout the period of trade in the classical period traverses the Indian Ocean and becomes a trade staple to places such as India, and then places like Persia.
  • 1000 BCE

    Bananas Arrive in Africa

    Originating in New Guinea long beforehand, bananas make there way up the Indian Ocean to India and then westbound to Africa by 1000 B.C.E.
  • 600 BCE

    Indigo Dye Appears

    Indigo dye, which becomes a highly coveted trade item, makes its first recorded appearance in Greek history but is traded all throughout the networks along the Indian Ocean.
  • Period: 600 BCE to 600

    Classical Period

    A time of great growth and expansion in civilizations, their trade, and religions; and overall transformative period.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 476

    Roman Empire

    The vast Roman Empire enjoys Silk Road trade and goods from the Indian Ocean, and in turn spreads Christianity.
  • 327 BCE

    Alexander the Great Invades India

    During one of his finals invasions, Alexander the Great of Greece invades India, fostering more trade and bringing Greek ideals of mathematics and astronomy to India.
  • Period: 322 BCE to 185 BCE

    Mauryan Empire Reigns

    During the Mauryan Empire, trade increased greatly, bringing Buddhism and goods to new places.
  • 300 BCE

    Punch Marked Coins

    Punch marked coins, silver coins inscribed with symbols or animals, appear as relics from the Maryuan era. This is one of the earliest forms of coins.
  • 300 BCE

    Isthmus of Kra Crossed

    A thin piece of land that separates the Indian Ocean and China Sea, called the Isthmus of Kra, is crossed, allowing Indian traders to bring trade more goods.
  • 300 BCE

    Buddhism Arrives in Sri Lanka

    Buddhism arrives in Sri Lanka, showing how religions crossed water into new territories.
  • Period: 268 BCE to 237 BCE

    Ashoka Rules in India

    Ashoka rules in India, in which among many accomplishments, he spreads the idea of Buddhism throughout present-day Asia, reaching as far as places like Java and Sri Lanka.
  • Period: 206 BCE to 220

    Han Dynasty Rules China

    The Han Dynasty rules China, albeit with periods of fragmentation. The Han Dynasty was responsible for much of the Chinese trade on land to Rome and later via Indian Ocean.
  • Period: 200 BCE to 100 BCE

    Silk Road Trade

    The Silk Road trade spans across the deadly Taklamakan Desert creates the land network of trade between China, Central Asia, India, the Mediterranean, and Africa. It was frequently traveled in search of silk, however other goods were also traded.
  • 138 BCE

    Zhang Qian Travels the Silk Road

    Zhang Qian travels the Silk Road trade routes in 138 B.C.E., sent by Han Dynasty emperor Wudi in search of the Yuezhi. He increased Chinese trade and brought their ideals along with him.
  • Period: 100 BCE to 100

    Spice Trade

    The Spice Trade, beginning in India, blossoms during this time period. Spices are considered a luxury good that people are willing to travel for, greatly heightening trade. Came from Asian areas such as India and China and spread to Africa and Europe.
  • 100

    Pepper Appears in Africa

    Pepper shows up in Africa and are considered a luxury product, often used a medicine in addition to a spice. This is an example of how trade originating in India, like the peppercorn, crossed the Indian Ocean into Africa.
  • 300

    Yamato Clan Presence in Korea

    Japan was made up of hundreds of clans, and in the late 4th century, their spiritual ideals, such as the worship of the sun goddess, spread to Korea.
  • Period: 300 to 400

    Yamato Strength in Japan

    Although hundreds of clans once lived in Japan, the 4th and 5th century C.E. saw Yamato gain strength throughout Japan. Their ideals would continue to permeate areas surrounding them.
  • Period: 319 to 540

    Gupta Empire

    The Gupta Empire was a time of prosperity for India, where trade grew and there was religious tolerance, and Hinduism garnered lots of attention.
  • 400

    Chinese Texts Arrive in Japan

    During 5th century C.E. Chinese works are imported to Japan, bringing Chinese texts, philosophy, ideals, and of course language to Japan in the written capacity.
  • 580

    Buddhism Adopted by Yamato domains

    Buddhism is adopted by Yamato domains like Japan, proving that it spread from Indian subcontinent across the Indian Ocean.
  • 900

    New Zealand is Settled