Indian History timeline

  • 1st Treaty of fort laramie

    1st Treaty of fort laramie
    The 1st Treaty of fort laramie was an agreement between the U.S. and the Oglala, Miniconjou, and Brulé bands. This treaty failed.
  • The long walk of the Navajo Indians

    The long walk of the Navajo Indians
    Indians were forced to leave there land. Now they had no homes and it was hard to make homes.
  • Fetterman Massacre

    Fetterman  Massacre
    A group of Indians and crazy horse attacked Captain William J. Fetterman soldiers. The soldiers had split up to attack from both sides.
  • 2nd treaty of fort Laramie

    2nd treaty of fort Laramie
    It was a treaty between the U.S. and the Oglala, Miniconjou, and Brulé bands. The treaty was made to bring peace the treaty was written in the spring.
  • Sitting Bull surrenders to U.S. army and goes to Stand Rock Reservation.

    Sitting Bull surrenders to U.S. army and goes to Stand Rock Reservation.
    Sitting Bull surrenders to the U.S. army and go to Standing Rock Reservation. Sitting Bull had a vision where he saw soldiers as thick as grass hoppers.
  • Battle of little bighorn

    Battle of little bighorn
    The battle of Little Big Horn also known as Custer's last stand. Was a fight between Custer's army and the Lakota tribe.
  • Publication of A Century of Dishonor by Helen Hunt Jackson – year only

    Publication of A Century of Dishonor by Helen Hunt Jackson – year only
    It is a book that talks about the treatment of the American Indians. It was written be Helen Hunt.
  • Sitting Bull performs in Wild West Show with Buffalo Bill Cody

    Sitting Bull performs in Wild West Show with Buffalo Bill Cody
    The wild west show is a show that reenacts Indian battles. Sitting Bull partnered with Cody in that show.
  • Dawes Severalty/General Allotment Act

    Dawes Severalty/General Allotment Act
    Gave each Native American family 160 acres of land. The land could not be sold for 25 years.
  • Beginning of the Ghost Dance Movement

    Beginning of the Ghost Dance Movement
    The Ghost dance was a dance that made the whites go away and all the buffalo come back. The dance did not work and nothing happend.
  • Sitting Bull’s Death at Standing Rock Reservation

    Sitting Bull’s Death at Standing Rock Reservation
    Sitting Bull was killed by his own people. He had a vision of them killing him.
  • Massacre at Wounded Knee

    Massacre at Wounded Knee
    It was a huge fight were lots of Lakota were killed. At the end of the fight lots of Indian men,women, and children were killed.
  • Ending of the Ghost Dance Movement