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Telangana Agitation
This was a rebellion against feudal lords in the area - it is important in feminist history because its actions heavily involved women, who were trained as guerillas in the conflict. -
Indian Independence
The start of the period of Indian feminism which this assignment is primarily concerned with. -
Establishment of SEWA
Their websiteSEWA or Self Employed Women's Association of India is a women's union which provides membership to poor and self-employed women. This is an example of a feminist organisation engaged with some of India's most disadvantaged women -
Anti-Alcohol Agitation
As mentioned on the main page answering particular questions, the agendas of feminists varied enormously - and in certain parts of Western India this included anti-alcohol movements. -
Mathura Rape Case
This occurred when a woman was raped in police custody and no one was convicted - eventually resulting in changes to laws surrounding rape. -
Anti Price Rise Agitations in Gujarati
UN Report - Towards Equality
This was a landmark UN report which concerned the treatment of women in India. It made the argument that the standards of living that women experienced had declined not improved since 1911 and in that way put the feminist agenda firmly into national discourse. -
Nav-Nirman Agitation
An action which began as a protest movement primarily involving students rebelled against examples of corruption within Indian society. Women featured prominently. -
First National Conference of social Feminists in Bombay
Shah Bano Case
This concerned alimony payments to a Muslim woman following divorce. The supreme court of India ruled that the Shah Bano (the divorced woman) would receive the alimony. Religoius pressure originating from Muslim Orthodox groups however, encouraged legal pluralism for different faiths and a law was later passed essentially removing the secular nature of the ruling of the Supreme Court. -
Agitations against Sati
This is the practice of the immolation of wives of husband's who have died. Movements against such practices were an integral part to the Indian feminist movement. -
National Commission for Women
The establishment of a statuatory body of the government which deals with matters concerning women. -
Period: to
Constitutional Amendments 73 and 74
These made quotas for female representation on both village level governance institutions and city/municipal corporations