
Independent Living Timeline of Financial Goals

By eearl
  • Go to a Live Concert

    Go to a Live Concert
    Short term S.M.A.R.T. goal
  • S. Specific

    S. Specific
    I want to save up to go to an AJR concert for spring break.
  • M. Measurable

    M. Measurable
    The concert costs $46.69.
  • A. Attainable

    A. Attainable
    Go out and eat out less, buy less Atomic.
  • R. Realistic

    R. Realistic
    Trade Off- Eating out less.
    Opportunity Cost- Missing the opportunities to try to new things.
  • T. Time Bound

    T. Time Bound
    By March 12, 2018.
  • Pay off Student loans

    Pay off Student loans
    Long term S.M.A.R.T. goal.
  • S. Specific

    S. Specific
    I want to pay off my college student loans as quick as I possibly can.
  • M. Measurable

    M. Measurable
    About $25,000.
  • A. Attainable

    A. Attainable
    Stop spending you money on other people, and for other people.
  • R. Realistic

    R. Realistic
    Trade off- Go out less.
    Opportunity Cost- Miss out on experiences with friends.
  • T. Time Bound

    T. Time Bound
    By Jan. 1, 2043