Independence of the thirteen colonies

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    The seven years' war brought great economic losses to England. So the evolution of the
    Economy, especially financial difficulties, the development of new forms of production
    Trade, were undermining the political situation of the 13 colonies
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    Jorge lll of England introduced the "sugar act" , the "stamp act" and the "Tea monopoly" (for the east India company). "Boston tea party". These new taxes made The discontent of the thirteen colonies increased.
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    September 5, 1774

    The colonists meet at the first congress in Philadelphia. As a result of the 'intolerable laws,' which had been approved by the British parliament, the colonists in America were convinced that they needed to take action to protect their lives and their freedom. Organized in this way, it was declared that the inhabitants of the sas colonies in America had the right to life, freedom, and property.
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    April 19, 1775

    The battle of Lexington was the first engagement of the American revolutionary war. This event marked a turning point in the war between the kingdom of Great Britain and the thirteen colonies.
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    May 10, 1775

    The second continental congress, voted for national independence and set itself up as the supreme government of the colonies, assigned Washington the mission of forming a continental army, issued paper money and established local governments.
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    July 4, 1776

    U.S. declaration of independence This document is still today one of the most innovative and important texts in contemporary history. It proclaimed two basic principles which were later taken up in the great texts on fundamental rights: 'freedom and equality'.
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    October 17, 1777

    The battle of Saratoga was one of the most important battles fought during the American revolutionary war. The British were trying to dominate New York and isolate New England from the southern colonies. It was a decisive victory as the battle was the impetus France needed to go to war with Britain and allowed access to much needed supplies and provisions.
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    October 19, 1781

    The battle of Yorktown was the last major battle of the American revolution. French and American forces surrounded the British soldiers and brought about the surrender of Cornwallis. The war ended as Cornwallis's forces were the last great. British army contingent in the United States.
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    September 3, 1783

    The treaty of Paris ended the American war of independence. The fatigue of the participants and the evidence that the distribution of forces, with English predominance at sea, made it impossible a military outcome, which led to the cessation of hostilities, recognized the independence of the thirteen colonies and gave the new nation all territory north of Florida, south of Canada and east Mississippi River.
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    September 17, 1787

    The constitution of the United States was adopted in its original form by the constitutional convention Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and then ratified by the people in conventions in each state. The constitution The United States is the oldest federal constitution currently in force in the world.