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Independence of Mexico

By fAV0
  • AUGUST 1808

    AUGUST 1808
    The conspiracy of 1808 was revealed
  • MARCH 17, 1808

    MARCH 17, 1808
    They launched a coup against King Charles IV
  • MAY 2, 1808

    MAY 2, 1808
    They began the Spanish War of Independence against the French invasion.
  • DECEMBER 21, 1809

    DECEMBER 21, 1809
    The Valladolid Conspiracy was revealed
  • SEPTEMBER 10, 1810

    SEPTEMBER 10, 1810
    Once again, the Querétaro Conspiracy was revealed

    SEPTEMBER 16, 1810
    Grito de Dolores - Miguel Hidalgo called for the uprising of arms in Dolores, Guanajuato. It marked the beginning of Mexico's independence
  • SEPTEMBER 28, 1810

    SEPTEMBER 28, 1810
    The insurgent troops captured the city of Valladolid
  • OCTOBER 17, 1810

    OCTOBER 17, 1810
    The insurgent troops dominated the town of Guanajuato
  • OCTOBER 20, 1810

    OCTOBER 20, 1810
    Miguel Hidalgo meets with Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon in Charo, Michoacan
  • JANUARY 17, 1811

    JANUARY 17, 1811
    The Battle of Calderon Bridge ended in defeat for the insurgents
  • MARCH 21, 1811

    MARCH 21, 1811
    Several insurgent leaders were captured in Acatitla de Baján
  • JULY 30, 1811

    JULY 30, 1811
    The royalists ordered Miguel Hidalgo to be shot in Chihuahua
  • MARCH 19, 1812

    MARCH 19, 1812
    The Cadiz Constitution was approved and was considered the first truly Spanish constitution
  • SEPTEMBER 13, 1813

    SEPTEMBER 13, 1813
    The seed of constitutionalism was planted in Mexico, with the installation of the First Supreme National Congress
    (Congress of Chilpancingo)
  • SEPTEMBER 15, 1813

    SEPTEMBER 15, 1813
    Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon was named Servant of the Nation
  • DECEMBER 22, 1815

    DECEMBER 22, 1815
    Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon was shot by the royalists in San Cristobal Ecatepec.
  • SEPTIEMBRE 18, 1816

    SEPTIEMBRE 18, 1816
    The new mandate was taken by Juan Ruiz de Apodaca as Viceroy of New Spain
  • NOVEMBER 11, 1817

    NOVEMBER 11, 1817
    Francisco Javier Mina was assassinated in Guanajuato.
  • 1819

    Until that year, the insurgent struggle continued in isolation in some areas of the country. Vicente Guerrero and Guadalupe Victoria were some of the leaders in the struggle.
  • FEBRUARY 24, 1821

    FEBRUARY 24, 1821
    The Plan of Iguala established the bases for achieving the consummation of the Independence of Mexico, uniting the Royalist and Insurgent Forces, forming the Trigarante Army
  • MARCH 1, 1821

    MARCH 1, 1821
    Agustín de Iturbide was appointed Head of the Army of the Three Guarantees
  • AUGUST 24, 1821

    AUGUST 24, 1821
    The Treaties of Córdoba were the first legal manuscripts by which Mexico's independence was declared public.
  • SEPTEMBER 27, 1821

    SEPTEMBER 27, 1821
    Finally, after so many battles, and between agreements between Agustin de Iturbide and Juan O'Donojú, the triumphant entry of the Trigarante Army into Mexico City was seen

    SEPTEMBER 28, 1821
    The Act of Independence was signed by various leaders