The conspiracy of 1808 was revealed -
MARCH 17, 1808
They launched a coup against King Charles IV -
MAY 2, 1808
They began the Spanish War of Independence against the French invasion. -
DECEMBER 21, 1809
The Valladolid Conspiracy was revealed -
SEPTEMBER 10, 1810
Once again, the Querétaro Conspiracy was revealed -
SEPTEMBER 16, 1810
Grito de Dolores - Miguel Hidalgo called for the uprising of arms in Dolores, Guanajuato. It marked the beginning of Mexico's independence -
SEPTEMBER 28, 1810
The insurgent troops captured the city of Valladolid -
OCTOBER 17, 1810
The insurgent troops dominated the town of Guanajuato -
OCTOBER 20, 1810
Miguel Hidalgo meets with Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon in Charo, Michoacan -
JANUARY 17, 1811
The Battle of Calderon Bridge ended in defeat for the insurgents -
MARCH 21, 1811
Several insurgent leaders were captured in Acatitla de Baján -
JULY 30, 1811
The royalists ordered Miguel Hidalgo to be shot in Chihuahua -
MARCH 19, 1812
The Cadiz Constitution was approved and was considered the first truly Spanish constitution -
SEPTEMBER 13, 1813
The seed of constitutionalism was planted in Mexico, with the installation of the First Supreme National Congress
(Congress of Chilpancingo) -
SEPTEMBER 15, 1813
Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon was named Servant of the Nation -
DECEMBER 22, 1815
Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon was shot by the royalists in San Cristobal Ecatepec. -
The new mandate was taken by Juan Ruiz de Apodaca as Viceroy of New Spain -
NOVEMBER 11, 1817
Francisco Javier Mina was assassinated in Guanajuato. -
Until that year, the insurgent struggle continued in isolation in some areas of the country. Vicente Guerrero and Guadalupe Victoria were some of the leaders in the struggle. -
FEBRUARY 24, 1821
The Plan of Iguala established the bases for achieving the consummation of the Independence of Mexico, uniting the Royalist and Insurgent Forces, forming the Trigarante Army -
MARCH 1, 1821
Agustín de Iturbide was appointed Head of the Army of the Three Guarantees -
AUGUST 24, 1821
The Treaties of Córdoba were the first legal manuscripts by which Mexico's independence was declared public. -
SEPTEMBER 27, 1821
Finally, after so many battles, and between agreements between Agustin de Iturbide and Juan O'Donojú, the triumphant entry of the Trigarante Army into Mexico City was seen -
SEPTEMBER 28, 1821
The Act of Independence was signed by various leaders