Independence United states

  • 1773

    The cargo of tea is thrown into the sea at the Boston post
  • 1774

    Congress in philadelphia and bill of rights
  • 1775

    Attack on Boston
    Appointment of George Washington as commander and chief of the colonial army, official declaration of war
  • 1776

    July 4
    Proclamation of independence
  • 1777

    In October, the British Army surrenders at Saratoga
  • 1778

    In February, France enters the war supporting the settlers
  • 1779

    Spain enters the war collaborating with the colonists
  • 1781

    Siege of York. British troops under General Charles Cornwallis are surrounded in Virginia
  • 1782

    The Spanish recover Menorca from the English
  • 1783

    On September 3 the Treaty of Paris or Treaty of Versailles is signed between Great Britain and the United States, ending the War of Independence of the United States.
  • 1787

    The Constitution of the United States is signed