Indeginous Communities from 1914 to 1929 - By Tate

  • WW1

    Between 4,000 and 6,000 Indigenous people served in the Canadian military for world war one. The first Nations benefited from in the war because when they were battling, they socialized with the whites, who then understood them more.
    Most first nations got awarded for their work but didn't get the aid when returning.
  • First Nation Costumes

    First Nation Costumes
    The law was put in place for aboriginals. They have to ask the government for approval of their traditional clothing. Whenever they want to go to public events, they would still have to ask. They also were not aloud to dance or have fun at all off a reserve.
  • Illness Post War

    Illness Post War
    After world war 1, aboriginal veterans got deadly illnesses, which they spread to their own community. This illness was mustard gas. It weakened the aboriginals lungs. A high amount of these veterans came back with it and spread it to everyone they knew back at home.
  • League of Indians

    League of Indians
    A group formed where first nations were able to speak up about their rights and what they are receiving compared to their peers. They would usually talk about the loss of reserve lands and anything about their own lands rights. This group shapes future aboriginal groups about politics for years to come.
  • Spanish Influenza

    Spanish Influenza
    First Nations came back from war, and didn't get same treatment like others. This caused a virus outbreak and it “Killed around 50,000 Canadians” Aboriginals were in the worst shape compared to others in basic needs, this becomes a factor in why they had a bigger target on their back.
  • Aboriginal Pre-Existing Right

    Aboriginal Pre-Existing Right
    The government makes the aboriginal title a pre-existing right after many years of not doing so. Then treaty 11 was signed, First Nations were now removed from their home land and were put in reserves.
  • Treaty 8

    Treaty 8
    A national park was obtained by the aboriginal people through treaty 8. This national park was the largest park in Canada and the first nations have it now. The purpose of it was to shelter the wood bison.
  • Banned from Hiring

    Banned from Hiring
    First Nations were basically striped of their right to hire their own representative for any law issue. This is so the government can now steal more and more of their land and also take more of first nations in general.