
  • Organic Search

  • Intro Call

    Identify their needs and pre-qualify them for an introduction call
  • Demo

  • Pricing Sent

    Pricing sent to process resumes to Indeed team
  • Key Stakeholder Hold

    Waiting to get key stakeholders involved in the next conversation
  • Indeed // CSI Demo Pt 2

    Demo pt 2 held with key stakeholders
  • Resume samples sent over

    Indeed sent over resume files (small volume) for a POC
  • Period: to

    CSI Workbook Set Up

    CSI team to work on getting POC set up and results to Indeed team
  • Henry Follow Up

    henry follow up on status of getting POC set up
  • Privacy Agreement

    Indeed expressed they have privacy agreement obstacles
  • Molly Circle in for Update

    Update on if they need anything from our team on the privacy agreement obstacle
  • SOW Needed

    Indeed describes they need a SOW to move forward with this process
  • SOW Timeline Update

    Due to NYC project, Henry cannot get SOW until the week of 9/21
  • Period: to

    SOW Progress

    Wait for Henry to get SOW to Indeed team.
  • Molly Circle in for Update on SOW

  • Molly Circle in for Update on SOW