Field visit veg farmer in Koh Dach
Field visit farmer in Ksach Kandal
Highlight from the visit:
The farmers are mostly elderly people whose next generation are having career in some other industry rather than farming. Thus, the farmers are planting to kill the time rather than to get the basic needs fulfill. Second, the farmers way to get rid of plant diseases and insects are through people who are selling plants medicine or farmer's children who work in agriculture university. -
Field visit farmers Tuek Vil, Kandal
We could not find farmers to talk. People we met at the field are workers, not farm owner. Fortunately we received commune contact from the people at the veg field, we stop by at the commune meeting and get to learn about the previous projects on agriculture that has done in the area. Through the briefing and discussion, we found out that farmers aren't able to do the cost calculation before planting and after which make them unable to know whether the harvest is outweighs their expense or not. -
Create Facebook chat group for farmer in Tuek Vil
After the visit, Facebook group was created and invited farmers in the group. There has been a number of post to introduction to agri expert. There are a lot of videos on different type of plantation to post to try to learn which type of content that might interest them. The farmers are stick to the market price of their highest interest and less about technical advisory related to plantation. The latest update from them is asking advise on what to do when their garlic plantation rote. -
Prototype validation with farmers in Tuek Vil, Kandal Province
From previous meeting at Tuek Vil, we have met with Commune member to learn and the field visit this time is to bring the idea of testing the knowledge of groups of farmers with the cost analysis and it turned out they knew and have been track the expense. Surprisingly, they want to try a Facebook chat group with agri expert to learn and solve their problem related to the veg plantation. -
Field visit and validation with farmers in Krakor, Pursat
After testing with farmers at Tuek Vil and have a less interactive, the team was trying to figure out if the agri advise is not the type of thing that farmers would want. This time around the team went out to meet 10 veg farmers in Pursat. They are solely depending on organic veg plantation for living and selling but not large scale and love to try testing out the chat group. However, some of them are struggling with the use of Facebook for that function. -
Create Facebook chat group for farmer from Krokor
After meeting with a group of eagerly to learn farmers,