Increasing demand of energy

  • Improved steam engine

    Improved steam engine
    James Watt new engine used a valve to allow the hot steam that had been used through to the condenser. This new design was more powerful and was later adapted to a rotary style. This allowed the expansion of the Industrial Revolution.
  • Liverpool and Manchester railway

    Liverpool and Manchester railway
    The Liverpool and Manchester Railway (L&M) opened on 15 September 1830. They started working on it in 1820 to connect the major industrial city of Manchester with the nearest deep water port at the Port of Liverpool, 56 km away.
  • First oil well

    First oil well
    The first oil well was called Drake. The well was drilled to a depth of 69.5 feet, and it initially produced 25 barrels a day.
  • Incandescent light bulbs in Menlo Park

    Incandescent light bulbs in Menlo Park
    Edison had built his first high resistance incandescent electric light in January of 1879 in Menlo Park , New Jersey. You pass an electricity through a thin platinum filament in the glass vacuum bulb, which delayed the filament from melting to make it work for a few hours.
  • First electrical train

    First electrical train
    The first electric train was powered by Werner von Siemens at Berlin in 1879. It consisted of a locomotive and three cars and reached a speed of 13 km/h.
  • The world's first automobile

    The world's first automobile
    Karl Benz invented the first automobile in 1885 in Germany. It was powered by an internal-combustion engine. The original car, his first ran in 1885 and his company produced its first four-wheeled car in 1893 and the first of its series of racing cars in 1899.
  • First electric street lightning in Salamanca

    First electric street lightning in Salamanca
    After years using oil and gas street lightning, Salamanca changed this system to one which pollutes less, cheaper and efficient: the electric street lightning.
  • World's first nuclear station

    World's first nuclear station
    World's first nuclear station was built in Obninsk, Russia. On June 26, 1954, the nuclear power plant APS-1 with a net electrical was connected to the power grid and it became the first power plant that generated electricity for commercial use.
  • Hydroelectric power plant inaugurated in Niagara Falls

     Hydroelectric power plant inaugurated in Niagara Falls
    The first hydroelectric power plant inaugurated in Niagara Falls was powered by Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse and they started the electrification of the world. Adam's Power Station (Power House No. 3), the only remains of the old Niagara Falls Power Plant, may become a science museum. The power plat had 13 turbines and a capacity of 2675 MV.
  • First Spanish nuclear power plant

    First Spanish nuclear power plant
    The first Spanish nuclear power plant was named José Cabrera. On July 17th, 1968, the José Cabrera Nuclear Plant, also known as Zorita, began its operation.
  • Chernobyl's disaster

    Chernobyl's disaster
    At April 1986, a disaster happened in the Chernobyla nuclear power plant in Ukraine that was the product of a flawed Soviet reactor design coupled with serious mistakes made by the plant operatorsb. It was a direct consequence of Cold War isolation and affected or exposed to radiation millions of people.