Income Inequality Election Project Hillary Clinton

  • 1997

    Hillary Clinton helped with the State Children’s Health Insurance Program by introducing bills that states can expand the program.
  • 2001

    She spoke out against the Bush tax cuts
  • 2001-2002

    She voted against getting rid of the estate tax on millionaires
  • 2003

    Clinton worked with Senator Don Nickles to give unemployment benefits.
  • 2003-2004

    She sponsored amendments and bills about benefits for out of work Americans
  • 2005

    Hillary Clinton introduced The Paycheck Fairness Act, which would have changed the Fair Labor Standards Act to protect people who have questions,or make a complaint, about their wage.
  • 2006-2007

    She was part of Standing with Minimum Wage Earners Act which connected Congress salary increases minimum wage increase.
  • 2008

    She voted for emergency unemployment benefits during a financial crisis
  • 2009

    She co-sponsored the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which helped the right of workers’ to take income discrimination issues to court.
  • 2016

    Hillary receives backlash for wearing a $12,000 jacket during income inequality speech.
  • 2016

    During the debate, Hillary told Trump that his tax plan benefits his kind of family and business. She also said that parts of his plan have been tried before and haven't worked.