Inca Civilization

  • 1400

    Inca Was Founded

    Inca Was Founded
    This is when the Inca's military conquered neighboring regions so that they could create a state.
  • 1450

    Machu Picchu

    Machu Picchu
    The Inca empire built Machu Picchu in the Andes Mountains and under Manco Cápac the Incas conquered Chanca and the Chimu.
  • 1471


    Pachacutec rebuilt the city during his reign.
  • 1532

    Spanish Conquest

    Spanish Conquest
    The Spanish military forces attacked the Incas at the Battle of Cajamarca where the Incas were outnumbered and didn't have enough weapons to stop the Spanish.
  • 1571

    Inca Decline

    Inca Decline
    The Spanish attacked the Incas at Vilcabamba so the Incas burned their capital to fled which led to the Inca's fall.